Meddling Parents

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A/N: oh boi Otayuri (ish) time!! This is gonna be really short I'm sorry I'll make up for it by posting another story. I also have a few good ideas for full books let me know if I should write them! Thanks!! ^u^
Yurio's POV

"Bye Beka," I said as I walked into the apartment in which I lived with my "parents" aka the pig and the old man. I was hoping to get into my room without being questioned but I had no luck.
"I'm not your son!" (A/N: if you get the reference I'll love you forever)
"Come here. Sit with us," the old man said with a smile, patting the spot on the couch in between him and the pig.
"Okay..?" I sat down confused. Did something happen?
"We have something we have to tell you." Victor looked at Yuuri and nodded. After a few seconds they both began singing, "If you were gay.."
"What the?!?"
"That would be okay."
"I mean cuz hey, we'd like you anyway."
"I don't like you guys."
"Because you seeeee if it were meeee I would feel free to say "hey guess what I'm gay" but"
"Then what were you doing with Otabek huh?" Victor questioned with a wink.
"QUIT MEDDLING IN MY LIFE!!" I yelled as I ran off to my room.


A/N: hey guys do you spell Victor as Victor or Viktor? I do both because Victor is canon but Viktor is more culturally accurate. Which should I use in my stories from now on?

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