Story of Tonight (Victuuri)

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A/N: ok so this is an AU sort of thing. At first it complies with canon but then it diverges. I hope you enjoy!!!

Third Person POV
Victor knew. He knew tonight would be a night he would cherish the minute he walked into the banquet. He just didn't know why.

Yuuri's POV
I think I'm done skating. After my embarrassing Grand Prix Final, I don't think I have the confidence to carry on.
I was back in Hasetsu. Back home.
"Yuuuuuriiii!! Come watch it's Victor's turn!!"
Oh I guess Minako-sensei is drunk again. Might as well join her.
I turn to the TV to see Victor warming up while a reporter talked.
"It appears that Victor Nikiforov has choreographed an entirely new fee skate program since the Grand Prix Finals!!!


~Right after the Grand Prix Banquet~
"I've found inspiration. I found my muse so to say."
"I skate to surprise the audience. I wasn't surprising them before"

~Back to the present~
Yuuri's POV (still)

He's changing it??!!? Why?!!? Stay Close To Me was so beautiful how could he change it??

"He says he was struck with inspiration that led to this new outcome."

Good for him.
His program was about to start.

First of all, why does his costume look so close to my GPF free skate outfit??!?

Secondly, why is he dancing to a song about history?!!??

The song was announced as Story of Tonight. I was absolutely captivated.

Victor got gold at Worlds.

~1 week later ~

"Yuuko I have something I want to show you."

I stood on the center of the ice and told her to press play.
Story of Tonight started playing.

I was performing Victor's new free skate.

Little did I know that Yuuko's triplets had recorded and posted the entire thing.

Victor's POV
My free skate program.
He's skating my free skate program.
The one I made because of him.
Does this mean he remembers?

I immediately bought a plane ticket and was off to Hasetsu, Kyushu, Japan.

~the next day~
"Yuuri!! Starting today, I'll be your new coach!!"
He looked so shocked to see me.

~1 week later~
Either he hasn't caught on to my advances or... he doesn't remember.

~a few weeks later~

Yuuri's POV
Victor kept staring at me.
"Um.. Victor?"
"Yes my little piglet?"
"Is there something wrong?"
Victor stops and thinks for second.
"Do you know why I changed my free skate?"
"You were inspired?"
"By who??"
How am I supposed to know?!? Victor's making no sense here.

After I didn't say anything Victor looked straight at me and said, "You."


Third person POV
Victor shows Yuuri the pictures and videos from the banquet. The embarrassment is clear on Yuuri's face.

~a few weeks later~

Yurio's POV (Hot Springs on Ice)
Ugh. They're absolutely disgusting. The way Victor is looking at the pig you can tell he's in love. Judging by how the pig reacts after his skate, he is too.

Also if you need more proof they both said I love you.

At least my cat is here for me....

Poor Yurio. Sorry about the lack of development I guess. Also sorry for the wait!!! This is my first YOI fic and it's hard to write for Victor. I did the best I could. The song mentioned is Story of Tonight from Hamilton. Thank you for reading!!

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