Nessie Twin

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Ok I've read a lot


of Renesmee twin stories where Nessie is such a bad sister and uses her powers to project false events just to get her twin in trouble

Then the most cliché things happen like

-Nessie's twin is mistreated by Bella and Edward

-The twin runs away

-Twin meets a pack mate

-Twin is imprented on by pack mate

-pack mate takes twin in

-Twin finally feels acceptance

-Bella and Edward decides to be evil

-They take twin from her happy place

-Twin cries a lot

-Twin finds a way to escape

-twins meets up with mate

-mate marries twin

-Twin has kids

-They live happily ever after

Those stories are too over done and I feel like a lot of people aren't being original with their Nessie Twin stories

Then most of the time they aren't well written

I mean I know my writing isn't perfect but when you don't put quotation marks and just smoosh everything together to where it's hard to tell who's speaking and who isn't it makes everything confusing

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