Ships that I won't ever understand

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Jasper and Bella, Carlisle and Bella, and Aro and Bella

Okay so first of all, if yall keep shipping Bella with everyone in the book I'm gonna throw rocks.

First of all I don't like the idea of Jasper and Bella because 1. Jasper is my man 2. She can go fucking herself if she looks at him in that way 3. I don't think Jasper would even want Bella's clingy ass

You know what

Why don't we just ship Bella with a rock

Yall just gonna ship her with one anyways like seriously guys.

I ship Carlisle and Esme way too much for Bella to just march on in and ruin my fucking ship

Okay and really guys Bella and Aro

Does that even sound good together

And if you are gonna write an Aro and Bella story please get an original idea instead of using the same "What happens when Edward leaves Bella alone and she meets the Volturi." Crap. I'm done with that plot. It's overused and needs to stop.

Idk why these ships exist, but can anybody tell me why?

Because I'm getting close to throwing these hands if I see another Jasper x Bella book

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