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It's something that does not stop at skin color, it's a good thing that people on wattpad want to be more diverse, but I want yall to know that it doesn't have to stop at race.

Now that doesn't mean I'm saying no more different races in books

If you're focused on that then that's perfectly fine

I'm just saying that diversity doesn't need to stop there you can write a fic on a controversial topic if you want

Don't be afraid to talk about those things in fics

I'm currently writing a Twilight Fanfic where a girl has grown up in a home with 2 mothers

I'm also writing one on a girl with autism

Pity Party is an example of one that I'm writing where the main character has slight mental issues

Now most of my characters are based off of people I know

RaeLynn is based off of my friend Tatianapanda if she was blind of course

Jenna is based off of one of my cousins that I absolutely love and adore

So diversity comes in different shapes and sizes

Love you all bye!

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