“Then why don’t we do that,” I smiled, “Once we get back from the Iron Mountains, we can get married, travel, and then decide what to do from there.”

“Alright then let’s do that,” Legolas held me tight, and I did not want to stay in this moment for ever. “When we get back we will get married.”

All of a sudden I heard a voice behind me, “Ahh, I heard from Lady Reinya that you two are engaged.”

“Lady Galadriel,” Legolas and myself were both snapped out of our thoughts.

“I am sorry we did not tell you our selves,” I stuttered not because I was nervous, but because I felt bad for not telling her earlier, “There is just so much going on lately-.”  

My mother held her hand up and ushered me to stop, “I understand why you did not tell me. The both of you have been going through a lot, but that is not why I am here.” She paused for a second, and it looked as if she was deciding on her words carefully, “I feel a darkness growing in the east, watch your steps carefully.”

Then all of a sudden Reinya bursted into the room. “I sort of did it!” She exclaimed, her hair was all messed up and there was a small tear in her breeches. “I got a halter on your horse!”

I shook my head in laughter, “Naertho is a wild stallion, a horse lord, no one can break him (horse terminology... Virtually means to 'tame/train him')," I paused. Reinya was not going to listen to me anyways, or at least remember what I said the next time this will happen.

"Like I have said before, I give up on your damn horse!" Reinya declared loud enough that people from down the hall could probably hear her. Then frisky she marched out of the room.

“Thank you for the words of wisdom Lady Galadriel,” I sighed and looked out the window, the sun was just starting to rise. “We should get going, there is a lot of traveling to be done in the short time.”

"Be safe my dear. I will be leaving soon for some business I have to attend to in Rivendell, but I will still be on the watch when you get home," Lady Galadriel waved us out.


Once Legolas and myself finished with our farewells, we made our way down to the stable. Gorell and Reinya were quietly waiting for us to get going.

"Gorell," I whispered quietly, "Can I talk to you for a second."

"Yeah, sure! What's up?"

"Umm.." I felt bad for asking him of such a task, but I knew he would protect it with his life. "I need you to carry the Fire Flower."

"Of course!" Gorell exclaimed in a slight confusion, "but why me?"

"Because I know you will do what is best for the group, and not just me." I took in a deep breath, "My mother said that their are unwanted eyes watching us, and if something were to happen you must promise me that Reinya's and Legolas' life will come before mine!"

He considered the offer for a second, I knew that whatever happened I could not live if any of my friends got hurt. "Fine," he agreed, "I will do it."

"Thank you," I sighed in relief, "Keep this secret from the others."

Gorell nodded his head, "Let's get going."

With that the two of us joined the bickering Reinya and Legolas. They were, not so peacefully, discussing which route we should take, and each had their own idea on which one would be the best.

“-traveling through the Mirkwood forest and towards the East Bight will be the fastest route,” Reinya exclaimed in slight furry.

“But that takes us too close to Dol Guldur,” Legolas retorted back.

Reinya shook her head and threw her hands up in the air, “Who cares?! Dol Guldur has been vacant for centuries.”

“Legolas,” Gorell intruded into their discussion, “I have to agree with Reinya on this one, The Dark Lord is long gone.”

Legolas did not look to convinced, I could tell something was on his mind that he was not sharing. I would have to find it out later. I was snapped out of my thoughts quickly when Reinya started ushering us on to our horses so that we could leave.

"I am partly surprised that neither Lady Galadriel or Gandalf is here to wave us on our way." Gorell stated.

"I am there with you," I replied, "but my mother seemed a little nerved by something growing in the east and we are suppose to be traveling in secret.”

"That would make sense why she had not been acting like herself." Reinya nodded. She had only just recently met my mother, but they did a lot of talking while I was, uh...'dead'. We never did find out exactly how I awakened anyways, it had never come up when we were talking. Maybe that was because no one wanted to think that I was dead for any longer.

Once we were all mounted Legolas looked over to me, "Alright Elemmire, it is time to depart. You may lead the way."

I took one last long glance at Lothlorien, my home, before urging Naertho forward and into a gallop. I had no idea where this adventure would take us, but I was excited to find out.


For an hour on a straight out gallop, but once our horses has started to weaken we took a quick drink along the side of a small stream. After refilling my canteen, I found a large flat rock to sit on and soon I started to get lost in my thoughts. It is almost funny how the smallest things can bring up older memories.

I started thinking about the time when Reinya had found me lying on the side of a stream. It must have been heart breaking to watch my unconscious self ride away from him, without the certainty of ever seeing me again.

“What are you thinking?” Legolas asked sitting down beside me.

“Nothing important,” I sighed leaning up against his chest. I could feel his body heat lifting from him.

“It is always something important,” He wraps his arms around my shoulders to keep me close.

“I was just thinking about when you sent me off on my horse, without ever knowing if our paths would cross, or if I would live…” My voice trailed off for a second as a new thought popped into mind. “Wh-What happened when you returned to Lothlorien afterwards, and what happened to Haldir?”

I was surprised that I had never asked Legolas about what happened, but then again, it was not until recently when all my memory returned.

“It is long story, which I am sure I will explain the whole thing one day…” Legolas paused for a second, and I knew he was reliving what happened, “But for now, Haldir eventually confessed to your mother of what happened and he was demoted from the head army commander. I believe he now patrols the northern borders of Lorien.”

I don’t know how I could explain how I was feeling, yes, Haldir did something very unthinkable. But I am sure on the inside he has a good heart, also if it was not for Haldir’s memory loss drink, I would not have met Reinya.

The two of us sat there for another couple minutes before deciding it was time to remount our horses and continue on moving.  

I updated Early :) :) I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!!!!!!!

I would also like to ask (for the last time yay!!! I am no longer going to pester you) to PLEASE vote for Elemmire in the Watty Awards if you have not already done it!!!!!!!! I am more than willing to give you the URL and give step by step instructions if you are having troubles... jus please vote for Elemmire!!!!!!!! The voting ends Friday!!! so good luck to everyone else who has entered!!!!!!!!!

Please, vote and comment on the chapter and be sure to let me know what you think!!!!! Thanks Kt_love and YouCantHandle

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