Chapter 1

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     Once the last school day of this week was finally over with, I was more than relieved. At the moment I walked along side my best friend, wanting to be home as fast as I could. All day I've been annoyed and just about everything was getting on my nerves, even my best friend whom I could never live without.
     James has been ranting about the same overplayed thing over and over again. Don't get me wrong the topic of creepypastas is pretty interesting but when that's the only thing that is obsessively mentioned again and again, it can get very tiring. At this point all I could do was nod silently as we walked down the sidewalk of Jefferson Street.
     "Blue stop acting like you don't believe me." James sighed, pulling me back from my lucid state.
     "Do you not hear yourself?" I asked rhetorically. "You're talking about magical murders and joining a cannibalistic cult."
      James laughed at the small hint of hysteria in my voice. "It's not a cannibalistic cult. Where did you get that idea?" All I did was shrug my shoulders not really having an answer for him, but how do I explain that?
    "They really are real Blue. I could show you and you'll see that I'm not lying." I heard a shred of hurt was lased within his voice.
     Damn him for pulling that card. "I don't think you're lying...I just think that you're confused. People are conniving and horrible creatures that are just waiting to take advantage of others." I told him, my tone was now soft and was filled with concern.
      "Thanks for trying to look out for me but I know what I'm doing, they are the real deal." Uhhh! Why can't he just listen to reason and logic? "I could show you and you'll see-"
     "No." I interrupted. "I don't want anything to do with that."
     "But they aren't that bad."
     "James, no." I sternly told him as we stopped infront of the peach colored house that I called home. "Do you not remember who I am? Most mentally sound people want to kill me for my 'smart ass mouth'; as Mrs. Jones has called it. Just think about what a serial killer would do to me if I couldn't keep my mouth shut near them." This was true. I was very open with what I thought and over the years I have really gotten myself into a lot of trouble.
     James opened his mouth to say something else but was interrupted again. "Just promise me that you'll leave me out of your crazy affairs."
    James was silent for a moment but then sighed in defeat. "Fine, I won't get you mixed up in this." He grumbled.
     "Thank you." Relieve flooded over me. "Well I'll see you Monday, I guess." I smiled, then turned to face my house. James said his goodbyes and we went our separate ways.
      When I entered my house I did my normal routine: go to the kitchen, find a note from my parents stating that they won't be home until late, go to my room, throw my backpack on my bed and dress out into pajamas.
   Going back downstairs I slugged my way to the living room. After browsing my selections of movies, that contained mostly horror movies, I picked A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors. This movie in particular is one of my favorites.
    The first part if the movie i felt perfectly fine but closer towards the ending I got a horrible, feeling that left my stomach in knots. Then. Out of no where, the electricity in the house suddenly went out.
      I cursed to myself as I stumbled in the dark trying to find a drawer with a flashlight in it. Turns out I wasn't very good at navigating my way without sight, as I was bumping into just about everything: A couch, a table, a wall, a chair, but eventually I was able to find something to illuminate my surroundings. Of course, as if on que, the second I turned on the flashlight all of the lights and electricity randomly turned back on.
      "Okay?" I said out loud to myself, questioning what had just happened. A loud crash came from behind me, sounding like something wooden was knocked over. Looking behind me I saw a boy with square shoulder wearing a yellow hoodie with a white, doll looking mask covering his face. He was hunched over my dinning room chair. Standing up straight now, he was easily a few inches taller than me.
      Instantly, without even thinking I made a break for it, sprinting through the living room towards the front door. But of course, as I opened it there was another standing on the other side of the entrance. This one wore a orange hoodie. I wasn't able to see the features of his face, but it seemed as if it was just an empty void.
      I was completely speechless of what was happening...well to be honest I didn't really know what was happening. Two unknown men had just broken into my house and I had no idea what to do.
     Forcing myself back to reality, I ran back up the stairs to my room. I prayed that I could use my window as a means of escape, just like in the movies. But of course, again, when you compare the movies to reality it always fails.
    Right as I opened my rectangular window I was pulled back by my ankle. The masked boy held onto me with both hands. I let out a high pitched scream that made him wince and distracted him for a moment. With the small opportunity I wiggled my way out of his grip and ran back down the stairs to try the door again.
      I slipped on my own two feet and my body jerked forward, falling down the stairs. Over and over my head banged against either the wall, the stairs, or the railing. Once my body stopped everything was spinning and I felt the excruciating pain from each bash. Slowly my vision started growing darker. The last thing I saw was two blurry figures before everything went completely dark.

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