07. No one is dying to sleep with you anyway

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07. No one is dying to sleep with you anyway

While Bruce was busy worrying about his long trip to possible greenpocalypse, Naz's apartment was trying to accommodate way more people than it had been designed for.

"I'm not sleeping in the same room as you mewling quims," Loki said with a steely gaze.

Clint scoffed, "No one is dying to sleep with you anyway."

Tony snickered.

"Oh shut up, Stark," snapped Natasha.

"Why is everyone so touchy? I'm the one who got badly beaten up, broke my leg, got tortured and thrown out of my very own house. If anything I should be doing the whole cranky old man act here."

"Tony, you are a cranky old man," Naz laughed. Her laugh sounded off though and Loki could see how frequently she was spacing out, staring at her fingers. He frowned, itching to ask her what she could do and how. Always a mystery. This infuriating mortal was to him, always a mystery and it irked him how much time he spent thinking about her—trying to solve her, of course.

Tony gave Naz a playful look, "Yeah, that's because you like ancient men like Thor and Steve."

"What!? No!"

"So you don't like them? Okay, next time I meet Cap and Goldilocks I'll tell them you said you hate them."

"I-ugh, Tony, stop being a kid," Naz glared. "Besides, they wouldn't believe you."

Meanwhile, Loki had broken off his argument and was listening intently, with a perfectly crafted bored expression, to this piece of information. So, Naz liked his br—Thor. Wonderful.

Clint had not given up though, "I think we're all forgetting that I, for one, cannot and will not sleep in the same room or rather the same house as this psychopath. How do you guys even trust him here? You know he would slit your throats at the first opportunity, right?"

"That's not true," Loki smirked. "I would go for something not so messier, I believe. I could turn on the gas. Now that would be perfect. Could pass for a very unfortunate accident."

Naz and Tony looked at each other, a shiver running across their bodies. Of the people in the room, only the two of them knew that this man who stood tall and gave threats with practiced ease could have another side to him but to listen to him talk about it...the relish with which the murderous words rolled of his tongue...it was fearsome. The two of them knew he could do it. Whatever was inside Loki's heart, madness lurked over it, a madness he couldn't control.

"I don't think we need to go into the gory details," Naz clapped her hands to divert the conversation from where it was heading. "Since Tony is taking the bedroom, I can set up a mattress for you there, Clint?"

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