Make up Smears

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I can see you

looking at me like

Im nothing

I can see you

laughing to them

telling them how much

you hate me

All because I know what they don't see

But What you don't see is my

scars hidden beneath the hoodies

what you don't hear is my cries

you can't wipe away the

tears that leave makeup smears at night

There seems to be a misconstrued version of me

Hiding in the mirrors at my house

Sometimes I feel so pretty just to

be smashed in the face by

your words

this sense of pride

burst through you

Live in it,

Take it in

Forget all about the pain

Cause What we don't see is your

scars hidden beneath the hoodies

what we don't hear is your cries

we can't wipe away the

tears that leave makeup smears at night

We both see the same side of us

no need to say what we can relate

they say its like preaching to a choir

but oh

no ohh

You're preaching it to me.

So grab my arm and see me wince

forget all about who we are

pull me in and give me hope

cause we both know

They don't see the

scars hidden beneath these hoodies

They don't hear is our cries

we can't wipe away the

tears that leave makeup smears at night

Songs written by meWhere stories live. Discover now