Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Nonsense, all hunters are a threat to our kind." Elder Elizabeth snorted. "The fact that you decide to mate with them is disgusting."

"Not everyone falls into a certain stereotype. They're not out to kill us. If they were, I'm sure they would've killed us by now."

"They've obviously been corrupted." Elder May said through the pack link, only so that her allies could hear. "There is a possibility we can still prevent the deaths of our own blood though."

"No, they're too far gone." Said Elder Keith. "They're not willing to change they're minds at all."

"Are we to go through with the plan?" Zev asked in confusion. "Do we execute them all, or just focus on our main target, the hunters?"

Elder Elizabeth turned to her pack. "Because of your siblings, Zev and Topaz, out pack is at a high potential threat for extinction. Not to mention that they were the ones who were responsible for the death of my grandson."

Alisha barked. "Im not letting them off the hook for killing my brother."

"So it's settled?" Elder Roth asked.

The rest of the elders nodded, including Alisha. Topaz and Zev stood in the back, unsure of what to do.

"Okay then." The pack took their stance.

Artemis noticed the tension in the morning air. "They're about to attack." She whispered. She growled, signaling for everyone to prepare themselves.

Jack and Peter jumped off from their wolf allies' back. They went off behind a bush in order to stay hidden. Since one was a medic, and the other used arrows, it'd be to their advantage to stay out of sight.

Sapphire crouched down, and bared her teeth.

"Stay calm, sis. Let them make the first move."

Sapphire grunted at Artemis' words, but did what she was told.

"They're waiting for us to move?" Elder Elizabeth asked herself. "That's going to be a mistake on their part." She then gave the signal for her pack to move.

Alisha ran straight towards Artemis. Luckily, she was prepared for her cousin's attack, so when Alisha began swinging her claws, Artemis kept counter attacking. Elder May and Nikki came to Alisha's side, but Sam came to defend Artemis from them.

Alisha managed to catch Artemis off guard by clawing her leg, causing her to lose her balance. Alisha jumped on Artemis, pinning her to the ground. Artemis struggle in her grip, but couldn't break free. Before her cousin could do fatal damage though, Sam came over and pushed Alisha off, causing her to slam into a tree.

"Thanks Sam," Artemis sighed, standing up, "I owe you one."

"No problem." He shrugged before one of the female Elders pounced on him.

Artemis knew he had the situation under control, so she focused back on her main target. Alisha's back was badly hurt, due to the amount of force Sam gave in. She was having trouble getting up. Artemis stalked over and growled deeply at her cousin.

"Oh, come on cuz, you're not really going to kill me are you?" She asked in a nervous tone.

"Was that a serious question?" Artemis asked. She could see the fear in Alisha's eyes, but her wolf didn't care. She was too focused on ending her life, and that's what she did.

Before Alisha could regain her composure, Artemis spirited over and suffocated her cousin by sinking her canines into her windpipe. After a few seconds of struggle, Alisha's body gave in, and she fell limp in Artemis' grip.

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