Chapter Thirty

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Topaz's POV

My brother and I returned to the pack. We found Alisha, limping about, trying to heal herself from her encounter with our sisters and their mates. My brother went into our home to take a hot bath. I went to find the Elders.

Not long after, I found our grandmother with Elder May and her sister, Elder Nikki. They were sitting at a table, drinking coffee, and discussing something.

I slowly approached them. "Permission to speak?"

"Go on." Elder Nikki said.

"Zev and I found them. With Alisha, we will be able to lead the pack to their location."

"Excellent." Elder May took a sip of we drink. "So, when do we attack?"

My grandmother thought for a while. She looked over at Alisha, who seemed to be healing quickly. The effects of the arrow that hit her seemed to be wearing off. "We'll go in three days. We still need to prepare ourselves. And I'm sure our opponents still need to prepare as well." She silently laughed.

"Um..." I found my voice again. "We're not going to harm our own blood, are we?"

The three often looked at me with a confused face.

"I mean, out target is the hunters right? Artemis, Sapphire, and Carmen will be unharmed correct?"

"Oh, Topaz," Elder Elizabeth laughed, "Our prime target are the hunters, yes, but, you know your sisters won't leave their side. They chose to stay with them, to protect and care for them. Unless they change their mind, then of course they're going to get hurt."

"But, they-"

"They were foolish to leave the pack." Elder May rolled her eyes. "They chose the rouge life."

Elder Nikki was next to speak. "Besides, if they're willing to kill their own kind in order to protect their so called 'mates', why shouldn't. we stop them all? It's treason I say." She shrugged and sipped her coffee.

My gaze dropped to the ground. My grandmother turned to me. "Why? Do you intend on defending them? Are you thinking about leaving your brother, your dear old granny, and the rest of the family for them?"

My head went back up. I looked at the three of them. "No, no, I don't intend on it."

They all smiled at me. Then they turned back to each other, an continued the conversation they were having before I interrupted.

I sighed, but then went back to my home. I sat down on the living room couch, and put my feet up. My brother soon came downstairs. He was drying his brown hair with a towel. He was shirtless and had a pair of grey jeans on. They matched his grey eyes.

He sat down on the couch next to me. He chuckled. "It's as quiet as a mouse in this place now that Sapphire and Artemis aren't here fighting all the time."

"I know right? I kind of miss it."

"Not gonna lie, but so do I." He confessed then leaned back. "How do you think their doing now, along with Carmen?"

"I don't know... They probably still fight, but I'd imagine that they're getting along better now. They do have their mates to keep them in check."

"They must really care for them. So much that they're willing to kill us for them."

I slouched down some more on the couch. "I don't know if I'm willing to do this. I mean, they're our sisters, we shouldn't be going against them."

"I've been thinking the same thing too, but we can't go against the pack, its just not right."

"Neither is harming our own blood." I felt tears threaten to roll down my face. "What are we going to do, Zev?"

"I- I don't know." Was all he said.

The silence in the room said everything though. We were in a rough situation, and we weren't sure how to get out.

Jen's POV

"I'm bored." I randomly blurted out. I found a small rock and threw it somewhere in the distance.

"I never said patrol would be fun." Artemis' furry head rubbed against my arm. She had wrapped her body against mine in order to keep me warm.

I pouted, then found another rock and threw it. "When can we go back? I want another back rub."

"We just came out here 10 minutes ago."

I groaned. I was going to complain once more, but I felt a vibration in my pocket. I reached in and grabbed my cell phone. I was getting a call from one if my high school friends.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered. "Yeah, no.... Okay... Right down the... Alright, then just take a couple more steps in that direction... Okay, see ya."

Artemis' head popped up. "Who was that?"

"I got in touch with a few buddies from the past. They're hunters, and they're willing to fight with us."

"No offense or anything, but how do we know we can trust them?"

"To be honest, I don't even know if they're trustworthy, but they're the only ones I could get in touch with." I shrugged.

Artemis let out a low growl of defeat. She rested her head back down and relaxed again.

Some minutes passed. I brought coffee with me in order to keep me awake, but it was getting cold. Artemis had gone off to hunt, so she couldn't entertain me at the moment. Sam was with us for a short while, but he had went back because Leo had requested his presence.

All of a sudden, I heard a yelp, and a flock of birds flew into the air. I automatically thought that Artemis was in danger. I ran off deeper into the woods to find that I was right. My girlfriend was laying on the ground with a small pool of blood around her leg.

I ran up to her. "Artemis, whats wrong?"

"My leg." She whined. "Someone shot my leg."

"Someone shot you?" I asked. "But, I didn't hear any kind of gun go off."

"That's because it was a silent shotgun." Another female voice shouted from the distance. I turned to see a girl with red hair jump down from a nearby tree. "It's silent to both human and wolf ears. Key for hunters." She winked.

"Lily, what the hell!" I shouted.

"Whaaat?" She asked with her hands up in the air. "I just shot a wolf that could've been danger to you. You should be thanking me, Jen."

"You shot my girlfriend." I crossed my arms.

Lilly's eyes widened. "Your girlfriend?" She looked at Artemis. "Wait wait, this isn't the same girl you dated back in senior year of high school, was it?"

I nodded.

Lily scratched the back of her neck. "My bad." She said. "Don't worry, I brought my brothers with me, one of them is a medic." She motioned behind her.

Two other hunters stepped out from the shadows. I recognized both of them right away. They were twin brothers. They both had skater-like brown hair. Jack was good with medicine, while Peter was also a skilled archer.

"Yo, Jack," Lily called out to her brother, "you got a job to do."

"Are you serious? What do I have to do?" Jack's semi-high pitched voice squeaked.

"That wolf over there. Patch her up."

"You just shot her down, Sis." Peter stated. "Why does Jack have to heal it up now?"

"Because your sister shot my girlfriend, now get the bullet out and heal her leg." I shouted out.

Jack threw his hands up in defeat. "Okay, Jen, alright. Calm your tits."

"You're lucky we need your assistance or else I would've kicked you right in your balls."

"Ouch," Lily came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder, "You've gotten harsh over the years. Has Artemis' slight attitude rubbed off on you?"

Artemis let out a small growl, but then yelped when Jack tried to take the bullet out from her leg.

I rolled my eyes. "Be careful with her! And, no, I'm just stressed out, that's all."

"Yeah, sure." Lily snickered. "By the way, I thought you and Artemis stopped seeing each other. Why the sudden change in heart?"

"It's a long story." I answered.

There was another yelp in the air.

"Oh, stop whining and stay still!" Jack yelled. The bullet was out if Artemis' leg, so he was now wrapping it up. Once done, Artemis got up and limped around a bit.

"Hey," I turned to Lily again, "where did you learn to shoot a gun anyway? And, where did you get one?"

"My parents had a few lurking around the house. When they told me that we were hunters, that's when I started target practice with these babies." She patted her belt, which was equipped with at least two more silent shotguns.

"Uh, excuse me, ladies." Peter's deep voice interrupted our conversation. "But, I'm tired, and I'd like to find shelter. Jen, where's your house?"

"It's not too far from here, but Artemis and I are on patrol for a few more hours."

"That's alright." Lily said. "We'll stick around with you guys until you're ready to head back."

"But, Sis!" Peter stomped his foot.

"Stop complaining and sit your ass down."

Peter and his brother grumbled, but they did what they were told.

We all sat around, making small talk. Artemis was a little bitter about what happened earlier, but she was resting of the pain for now. She'd hopefully get over it by the time she wakes up. Once our morning shift was over, we finally headed back to the house. It took a little longer than usual, only because of Artemis' leg.

Artemis stayed outside in order to shift and get dressed. I brought our newcomers inside.

"Griffin! Carmen!" I yelled. "Your turn to head back out."

They both walked out from their room and groaned. They left, and at the same time, Artemis came back in. She came towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"How's your leg?" I asked.

"It hurts, but I can tolerate it." She shrugged. "Where are your friends?"

I shrugged. We turned to see the three of them looking around the place. They were probably surprised by the fact that this place had electricity even though it was in the middle of the forest.

A sudden thought ran through my mind. The wolves that had arrived earlier would be staying in a hotel in the city when we didn't need their company, but I didn't know where these guys would be staying. "Hey you three." I called out to them. "Unfortunately, we don't have room for you guys to stay here so..."

"It's alright." Peter cut me off. "We'll be staying at our aunt's house which is not too far from here."

Artemis and I nodded.

"By the way," Lily came up to Artemis, "I'm sorry for shooting you earlier. If I had known you weren't a threat then I wouldn't have done it."

Artemis hesitated, but finally said, "Don't worry about it, everything's fine now." She smiled.

"Hey, Jen?" Jack shouted from the kitchen. "Where's your sister? I haven't seen her in so long."

"She should be here somewhere. Maybe she's with her girlfriend." I shrugged.

"Oh, she has a girl now?"

"Why does it matter, Jack, you have a boyfriend anyway." Peter smirked.

"Obviously, I still want to see her. We used to be best pals in the past."

Just then, we heard a thud from upstairs, and some laughter.

"Are you guys fucking serious!?" I heard Sapphire snarl.

"Something's going down." Artemis sighed.

I volunteered to up up to see what was going on. Luna and Darcy were by the bed, not giving each other death looks for once, but Sapphire was on the floor with the blanket wrapped around her.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Your sister and her new friend pushed me of the damn bed." Sapphire growled.

"Well," my sister wiped away a tear, "we're not friends but we're working on some kind of truce."

"Uh huh." I crossed my arms.

"Hey," Sapphire spoke again. "Did you and my sister bring back some people to the house? I'm catching a few scents, ones that I don't recognize."

I nodded. "Yes, we did. They're hunters, of course. Come down and meet them, all of you."

"I'll go get Sam, Leo, and my sister." Darcy was the first to walk out.

Luna kissed her girlfriend on the cheek before helping her up, and they walked out from the room hand in hand. I followed close behind her.

When we got downstairs, I could immediately feel some tension in the air. My hunter friends were on one side of the room while Artemis' friends were on another. I heard low growls erupt from Leo, Isabelle, Darcy, and Sam. Lily, Peter, and Jack looked like they were prepared to defend or strike at any moment.

I sighed, and made my way towards Artemis, who was also standing by Luna ad Sapphire. Bringing these two groups to work together isn't going to be as easy as I thought, but if we can pull it off, then we may just have a chance at surviving in this upcoming war.

Too lazy to proof read for any mistakes I may have made, so I apologize if there's something I there that doesn't make any sense. :p
There are so many names in this story, I don't know how I'm not mixing anyone up lol.

I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGirl) [Lesbian Story]Where stories live. Discover now