Chapter Thirty-Four

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Luna's POV

Soft kisses were being trailed up and down my spine. I was half asleep, with my eyes barely open. The area I was laying on was a little damp, mostly due to the sweat or the juices that we've been producing all night. Hands ran down my sides, and I could feel her private rub against part of my leg.

"Don't tell me you're still horny?" I asked, my voice in a raspy tone. "We've been at it all night."

Sapphire rested her chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I can't help myself. Knowing that there's a chance that I won't ever see you again... It only makes sense that I should want to make love to you for the rest of the night."

I turned to lay on my back, so that I was now facing her. Sapphire's eyes were greener and brighter than usual. She was in deep thought. I wrapped my hands around her neck, and gently brought her face down to mine. We met in a soft, passionate kiss. I could still taste myself from earlier on in the night. We slowly pulled away, then she rested her forehead against mine.

"Nobody is going to die, especially you. You promised you'd return to me."

"I know, I know." She sighed. She then looked at the digital clock. "It's 3am. You have to leave by six. We should get some rest." She said, then got off of me.

I sighed, relieved that I could finally get some rest. I cuddled up into Sapphire's body while she planted soft kisses on my forehead.

"Wake me when you get up." She requested.

I giggled. "Well duh."

"Don't 'duh' me." She commanded in a playful tone.

I shook my head. "Goodnight, Sapphire."

"Night, Luna."

Jen's POV

"Do you have everything you need?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." I picked up a bag and set it over my shoulder. I looked over at Artemis, who was leaning against the room door. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I said as I walked towards her.

"You're my mate, I'm supposed to worry when it comes to your safety."

I lightly stroked her cheek, then gave her a small peck on the lips. "I'll communicate with you through our link, don't worry."

"I'll try not to." She said, then opened the door.

Carmen and Griffin were saying their goodbyes. They were currently in a tight hug. I smile at how close they've gotten. On the other side of the living room, Luna and her girlfriend were making out like it was the last time they'll see each other. I rolled my eyes at the sight. Too bad there was nothing I could do to separate them, since I promised not to interfere with their relationship.

I gave Artemis one last kiss and said goodbye to her. I walked to the front door and motioned to my siblings to follow. "Griffin unattached yourself from Carmen, and Luna, stop trying to eat Sapphire's face off. We have to go."

They both pulled away from their mates, grabbed their bags, and followed me out towards my car. I allowed Griffin to have shotgun because Luna always sat up front. I drove away from the house, out for the woods, and back onto the main road in the city.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Luna asked after a while.

"Back home, of course. To our former place."

Zev's POV

I was standing outside m house, waiting for my sister to come out. Today was the day. We're scheduled for an attack this morning. The whole pack isn't fighting though. Only a certain number of us. The Elders believe the whole pack isn't required to help out, because they're confident that at least 13 of us will be enough to lead us to victory.

"Hey, you ready?" Topaz stepped out and asked.

"As ready as I ever will be." I replied in a gloomy tone.

We started heading off to find the Elders. All six of them were fighting. They have the most experienced when it comes to war and battles. The Elders were gathered in the spot which was to be our meeting place. Alisha was also there, along with the four extra wolves.

"Is everyone ready?" Our grandmother asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Good, then lets be on our way." She said,and led the pack out to our destination.

The sun was beginning to rise. We had been walking for a few miles, and already, I was getting tired and a bit hungry. I looked over at my sister. She looked deep in thought.

"Hey, you okay?" I decided to ask.

She shook her head. "I don't think I can do this." She mumbled.

"I'm starting to regret my decision as well. But, I don't think we can do anything about it now."

"Here it is." Alisha suddenly spoke up.

We all stopped in our tracks. In the distance, we could see what appeared to be a house. There were a few cars off to the side. I would've never thought my sisters would be stationed here after they became rouges. I thought they would've found a place in the city.

"Everyone prepare yourselves." Elder Roth spoke. "We're going up against our own blood, but don't let your guard down."

"Lets head out." Elder Keith lead us froward.

I felt myself getting sick as we got closer to the house. I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out, but I'm sure it won't end well.


Quick update for you guys.

Just letting you know that I suck at writing fight scenes, so it probs won't be as epic as we hope it will be.

What do you think is going to happen? :o

I'm telling you now that a few people are gonna die.. I'm not saying who though! :p

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