Chapter Twenty-One

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Luna's POV

It was the last day of my high school career. I was going to miss this place to be honest. I'd miss my friends, our adventures, all the sports teams especially the lacrosse and soccer team (I played on both of those teams.), the horrible cafeteria food, the bitchy teachers and administrators, even our crappy school mascot, the chinchilla.

Of course, the seniors had pulled the annual senior prank. This year, they stuck plastic utensils in the grass outside of the building. They also messed up some of the sports equipment. The administrators didn't care much for this year's prank. Probably because it wasn't as bad as last year's senior prank. Last year, the seniors had stink bombs all over the school, released one of the science teacher's pet snake into the building, and three seniors went streaking during the Homecoming football game.

Math class wasn't the same without Tina. I couldn't help but to miss my Math buddy, and how she'd always throw random objects at me, or how we'd write pointless notes to each other and get in trouble in the process. When the bell rang, everybody ran out the door, except for me. I slowly walked out, took one final look at the classroom, then made my way out in the hallway. I saw my usual friends hanging by my locker.

"LUNA! OH MY GOSH, I'M GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH!" Rachel ran over towards me, picked me up, and spun me around. The girl was tiny, but she was pretty damn strong.

"I'm going to miss you too." I managed to speak out. She had a tight grip on me. "Would you mind putting me down?"

"Oh, sorry." She apologized, and finally released me.

I sighed. "I can't believe we're graduating." I said while cleaning out my locker.

"Me neither." Destiny had agreed.

"Too bad Tina didn't make it this far with us." Amanda said quietly.

We all nodded in agreement. We all had made plans to graduate together. But, know it's just the four of us. Tina was the life of the party, things won't be the same without her.

"We can still have an awesome graduation." Rachel blurted out after our awkward silence. "I can host a graduation party, and we can take it from there."

We all agreed to her idea. After a while, we all said our goodbyes, and the three of them left. I stayed by my locker to clean it out some more. While I was putting the last notebook in my book bag, I suddenly felt a tiny sting on my neck. I flinched, and rubbed the area, thinking that it was just my imagination. I closed my locker, then went out to the parking lot near my car. Griffin was already waiting there. He was talking to Carmen.

"We totally have to hang out over the summer."

"No problem. I have your number already. Just text me, and we'll make plans." Carmen shrugged.

"And make sure you buy condoms if you plan on having sex." I interrupted.

"Luna, for the last time we're not dating." Griffin threw his hands in the air in embarrassment.

"Yeah, yeah, if you say so. Now get in."

Griffin groaned, but then he turned to hug Carmen before getting in the passenger seat. Just as I was about to get in my car, a familiar black Toyota Corolla pulled up. I smiled, knowing who it belonged to.

Sapphire stepped out from her car as I walked over towards her.

"Do you always have to park your car next to mine? It's makes mine look like garbage." I pretended to complain.

Sapphire rolled her eyes at me. "Don't be jealous, just because my car is better than yours." She smirked, and grabbed my waist and kissed my forehead.

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