Chapter Eighteen

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Artemis' POV:

I walked up to the front porch of the house in the middle of the woods with Luna right behind me. I moved the mat from under my paws over and revealed a small key to the front door. I looked at the human girl behind me, motioning to her that she should unlock the door. It took her a while, but she got the message. She opened the door and we both slipped inside the house. I laid Sapphire down on the floor, and stretched myself out. Then I went to a hidden area to shift back to human, and got dressed quickly. I returned to the living room to see that Luna was next to my sister staring at her with deep concern in her eyes while stroking her fur. I couldn't help but to watch those two for the longest while, because it reminded me of Jen and I when we were younger.

I almost felt bad for the news that I was going to have to tell them once my sister was recovered.

"Don't worry." I spoke out to Luna. "She'll be up and running in no time. Us wolves do heal faster than you humans. In the meantime, while I've got you here... There's something I have to tell you."

Luna focused her full attention on me. "What? Is something wrong?"

"I'd rather tell the both of you together, but I'm not sure when Sapphire will wake up..." I paused and took a deep breath. You can't keep seeing my sister anymore."

"Why not?"

"The elder wolves know about your relationship. If you keep seeing each other, you'll both end up getting hurt. And, no offense but, I'm more concerned about my sister's being than yours."

Luna got up and looked me straight in the eyes. "And, what happens if I don't break up with her?"

I stared back with the same intensity filled in my grey eyes. "Sapphire will have no choice but to become a rouge, and not only that, but you, along with your brother and sister will be tracked down and killed."

"You guys already track us down, so what difference will it make!?"

"You've only had a few of us target you recently. This time, the whole pack will be after you guys. I doubt the three of you will be able to take us down."

The intensity in Luna's eyes weakened. She looked over her shoulder and shut her eyes closed. She turned back to face me. She was about to open her mouth to say something, but we heard some rustling behind us. We both looked to see my sister slowly getting up. She stretched herself out and shook her head.

"Artemis?" Sapphire turned to look at me and Luna. "What's going on? How the hell did we get here?"

"Shift back first, and get dressed, then I'll explain everything later."

My sister nodded, and traveled to her room. 

"You go with her." I motioned to Luna to follow Sapphire. The girl gave me one last look before turning around.

I went to sit myself on a nearby couch. I ran my hand through my long brown hair. I was more stressed than ever. I knew I was going to be in deep shit once I told Sapphire the news. But, it was for the best.

Not long after settling down, I heard my cousin's voice run through my head. "Artemis? Where are you?" Alisha was trying to contact me.

"That's not important. Did you and James take care of the hunter?"

"Yeah, she won't be a problem to us anymore. Now you just have to hold up your part of the deal."

"Don't worry. Once I tell Sapphire the news, I'll round up the two of them and bring them back to meet with the Elders."

"Okay, but don't waste any time. You know how impatient Elder Elizabeth is."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. Then I heard foot steps from behind me. "Look, I'll meet you guys soon." I ended the conversation, and turned to see Sapphire and Luna standing together. My sister already had an upset look on her face. I already knew that her girlfriend probably told her somethings already. I had to mentally and physically prepare myself for the potential outburst from Sapphire.

I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGirl) [Lesbian Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें