Chapter 2

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Zahlee's POV

The plane ride on my way to New York wasn't as bad. I blasted my music in my custom beats by Dr. Dre. Nothing was the same was speaking volumes to me at the moment. Drake did his thing on the album and it made me feel a little better about my situation. When I had heard not only my parents had died in a fatal car accident but then I heard my aunt was taking custody of me which means me and ZJ has to move to New York where she lives. I have been down south all my life, hell the south is all I know. So what the fuck am I gonna do in a place where I don't know anybody. All my friends are in South Carolina, not that I have many of them. Now I have to take shit back to kindergarten where I gotta make new friends. My aunt tapped me on my shoulder. I turned and looked at her and said, "Yes,Aunt Ke??"

"The plane has stopped, its time to get off." She said. I gathered my things and walked off of the plane after my aunt and brother. We soon came upon the busy area of the airport. I stared at how many people it was. I have never seen so many people in my life. I continued to my aunts car and got in. All the while staring at my surroundings. It was so surreal to me.


The car ride came to a stop in one of the nicer parts of Harlem, NY. "Here's the key Lee-Lee go open the door." my aunt said pointing to the door. Me and ZJ walked up to the door and I placed the key inside of the lock. I turned the knob and was greeted by some of the most beautiful decor I had ever seen. Damn aunt Keira living big. I looked over at ZJ and he had the dame expression on his face.

"Welcome home my niece and nephew" Aunt Ke said. I love my aunt but sometimes she just to damn hyper. She showed me and ZJ our rooms. My room almost was like my bedroom back home.

I sat on the bed that was pushed against the wall and looked around. There was a stack of papers sitting on my bedroom dresser. On top of all the papers was a picture of my mommy and daddy. I picked up the papers and begin to read.

It was everything about my new high school. There was a map of how to get around the school and a schedule. I sat the papers back down and went downstairs to where my aunt was.

"Auntie Ke, when does school start?" I asked sitting on the dark brown couch.

"I want y'all to adjust a lil bit so y'all wont be starting till next Monday." She said. Monday was a week away. She continued talking saying, "You nervous bout going?" She asked.

"Not really. I just hope it be turnt cause I don't wanna go to a boring school." I said. My school back home was the shit. We never had boring days. My aunt started laughing then she said,"Baby, Legecy High is far from boring. That is the school of turn up!"

"So what we doing for the rest of the week?" I asked.

"We gone go shopping for school clothes and I'm gone show you around." She said. I nodded and rose up off of the couch. I walked back upstairs to my room. I grabbed my phone and dialed my best friend, Seven. She picked up on the third ring.

"How is it up there, boo??" She asked immediately in her very squeaky voice.

"Shit, its alright. I ain't did nothing yet." I replied.

"I miss you already best friend!" She said. My eyes started to swell up with tears because I was thinking about back home.

"I miss you too but we will get back to out turning up days plus aunt Ke said you can visit anytime you want." I said.

The conversation lasted for hours until I told her I would call her back. I gathered my night clothes and went to the bathroom that was inside my room. I stripped myself of all my clothes and jumped into the steaming hot water. As soon as the water touched my skin I realized I let out a breath. I felt like I was at peace and could finally move on with my life.

After my shower I stood at the body mirror and stared at myself. For the first time in my life I was happy to say I looked like my mother. I knew at this very moment that her spirit was inside of me. I had her long curly black hair, her light bright skin color, her southern girl ghetto booty, her shortness, and her one deep dimple in my left cheek. For the first time in a while I smiled. I quickly dressed and exited the bathroom.

I turned the tv on to Love and Hip Hop and placed my phone on the charger. I watched tv until I fell asleep. The last thing I remember is ZJ asking me to scoot over which I gladly did and went back to sleep.


Hola!!! How y'all like this chapter?? It was very longer then the first on and it answered the question everyone was asking. This update was meant for tomorrow but since it snowed and were out of school I decided to update today.


FMOT: @_QueenChocolate

FMOIG: @TheyLoveDreshonia

Love y'all,

Teona Chanel ❤

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