Chapter 2: Goodbyes

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Hinata shook Kageyama's hand. He nodded approvingly at Hinata's firm handshake. On the other hand Hinata could only focus on the fact that he was touching a real live Utolian, and he let him. A deep blush spread across his cheeks. "Is something wrong?" Kageyama asked him with concern as he cocked his head to the side again.

"No, nothing is wrong," He yelped in surprise, Hinata quickly brushed off the feeling and reminded himself that Kageyama couldn't be trusted. Even though he had helped and spared him, Kageyama had abilities, abilities that could kill. And Hinata was alone with him on the path and he wondered if he should be scared. "No," He thought to himself. "Kageyama's different. I can see it. He's not like the rest of the dangerous Utolian. He is special."

Kageyama turned back to the path and continued walking. "This isn't the direction of the Utolian village, why are you going down this path?" Hinata asked.

"Just making sure you keep your hands to yourself for the rest of the night."

"You must have a lot of money to throwing out half crowns like that." Hinata mused.

"Well I have a good job." He looked away in embarrassment.

"That makes one of us..."

"But you're-"

"Yeah, seventeen. I'll be enlisted next year. With no jobs left, I need to have some way to provide for my family."

"So you steal." Kageyama's face twists into a grim line and his hands clenched.

"Yeah. My sister has a job though. She can provide for my family, but it's hard on her you know. I know it is, and she expects me to get a job to help but there just isn't anything left," Hinata kept his eyes glued to the dirt path in front of him. His lower lip was trembling. "It's the best I can do."

"Are you...?" He pokes around the subject ever so delicately, like he's carefully choosing the right jenga block before the whole tower crashes down. Unfortunately for Hinata he chooses the exact block and exactly the right time.

Hinata breaks all to easily and tells him everything. About Noya, his families disappointment, and his own worthlessness. Everything he has ever worried about or even dreamed about laid out for Kageyama to see. But he just listened. He never judged him or pointed out that he was being insensible, or selfish. Maybe it was because he really couldn't say anything. His own selfishness brought him to this town and to Hinata.

When Hinata had finished they walked in silence. He was expecting Kageyama to at least tell him something that was wrong. But instead he mumbled, "We're here." Hinata looked up and saw the humble entrance to the town.

Kageyama looked down at him with what Hinata thought was pity. He grabbed his small hand, Hinata jumped from the sudden chill coming from Kageyama, but relaxed when he felt the cool metal pressed into his palm. Hinata looked down at it and frowned. "I don't take charity."

"You had no problem with it last time." He smirked. Hinata looked down at his feet feeling embarrassed. He had never expect such kindness and warmth from someone who looked so cold, a Utolian no less.

"Thank you."

Kageyama smiled at him. It was a stiff and cold smile, almost like he had never used it before. And it creeped the hell out of Hinata. "Don't hurt yourself." He giggled. Kageyama frowned and turned back down the path they had came.

"Dumbass," He mumbled over his shoulder. Hinata was surprised to see such a display from someone he was raised to believe was perfect. Utolian, gods that have come down to rule us, to save us from our vulgar ways. But Hinata realized in that moment that nobody, not even the gods, were perfect. He smiled at this and felt comforted by the sudden thought. If not even Kageyama was perfect then Hinata would certainly not be. "My family has connections to the palace, I can get you a job there if you would like."

Hinata gasped and a bright smile lit up his cheeks. "Really?" He ran back to Kageyama and hugged him from behind. He knew of course that any job Kageyama could get him in the palace would be a servant job, but he didn't have long until conscription and he was grateful for anything that could support his family. "Thank you, again."

Kageyama grabbed his arms and tore them off of his torso. Hinata was still smiling at the thought of being helpful for once. "Maybe I'll see you soon."

"I hope so." Hinata was hopelessly trapped in his blue eyes again. Earlier he thought of them as whirlpools, but now he saw them as icy prisons. Beautiful yet dangerous.

Kageyama nodded and continued down the path without looking back. He was smiling even though he knew he would never speak with Hinata again. It was forbidden for someone of his place to even be in one of these filthy villages, let alone speak with one of the locals. But he didn't regret it, not for a second. He walked until he reached the carriage that was waiting for him. "Your highness, you really need to stop sneaking out like this you'll get me in trouble." His butler shuddered. He was his only friend within the castle walls.

"As long as I'm around you will not be harmed Suga." He nodded having total faith in his prince. Sugawara, or Suga as Kageyama called him, had a pale face with a mess of light hair along with a lean frame which was emphasized by his tight black suit. He was Laysan and forbidden to speak to his highness, but they had been together since they were children and it could not be helped. Besides Kageyama enjoyed his company and valued his opinion.

"If you don't mind me asking your highness, but who was that boy you were talking to?"

"One of the locals."

"I see." He leaned forward to look at his master. Kageyama was troubled, but neither of them could figure out why. He had a sick feeling in his stomach, like something was about to happen.

Hinata woke up the next day with a large head ache and felt sick to his stomach. As much as he wanted to lay in bed he just couldn't. Some nagging feeling was pulling him out of bed. He trudged down the steps until he reached the kitchen were his mother was huffing and puffing. "The damn thing won't work!" She was bent over the stove trying desperately to get it to turn on.


"Oh, your up early today Shoyo."

"Yeah. Do you need help?" He still hadn't told her about Kageyama or the fact that he may have a job at the palace, but he wanted it to be a surprise. But they didn't have to know about Kageyama.

""It's just that the stove won't turn on. It works every other day." She sighed.

"Let me try."

"Alright, I'll wake up Natsu while you try it out." He nodded and turned to the stubborn stove. Hinata had never been a 'handy man' but he still wanted to have a crack at it. He held his hand above the stove and touched the covering. It was cool and rough around the edges. Suddenly he felt a sharp prick at his fingertips. It wasn't painful, if anything it felt great, but when he looked down he was surprised to see the small flame under the covering was alight.

"Ah you got the stove to work!" His mother said in surprise. She kissed his cheek and set the pot on the stove. Hinata on the other hand was still staring at his hand perplexed about how he did it. His mother had to politely shove him out of the way so she could cook. His hand tingled, but the sensation was slowly leaving him. Hinata left the room in silence, his mind still dwindling on the feeling.

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. "Who could be knocking at such an hour." His father grumbled as he strode across the floor. When he opened the door a crack he immediately stepped back. The door was pushed open the rest of the way by a shorter but muscled man, wearing a bright blue and white suit. Along with the atrocious suit, the cape sharpened at the end like icicles. On his chest was a golden badge that had the castles emblem. An icicle with flurries of snow carved into the sharp steel, it made it even more frightening. He was obviously Utolian with his light brown hair and striking green eyes. Hinata recognized him as the captain of the infamous squadron, Seijō.

Only one word came into Hinata's mind now.


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