|18| Anything for You

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

I look up at the clock only to see that I've been waiting for 30 minutes.

Ivanna's doctor wanted to do a quick check up with her today so I have to wait until they're done to see her.

I swing my feet back and forth in front of me as they barely even touch the floor.

I'm actually kind of a small person.

Someone pulls on my shirt.

"Gregory stop that!"

I look and see a small boy with a stuffed horse pulling at me.

A lady, I'm guessing his mother, runs over and pulls him away.

"I'm sorry if he disturbed you."

"Oh no", I say smiling at him,"He's so cute."

Gregory has dark blonde hair and big brown eyes. He's dressed in a hospital gown and has some kind of tube running up his nose.

"Gregory time to go to see the doctor. The nurses need you to lie down on the bed ok?"

He nods and his mother picks him up and sets him down on the rolling bed.

"I'm gonna have to keep Hoda with me ok?"

She tugs a bit at the toy horse.

"No mommy don't!"

There are tears in her eyes,"Please Gregory. Don't make this hard for mommy."

Gregory cries a little but hands the doll over to his mother.

He's not getting a check up he's having surgery.

The nurses begin to roll him into a room leaving his mother in the hall.

This must be hard in her.

"I'll be right here waiting ok baby?"

He's gone and his mother goes and sits down on a chair a little way down from me.

She's crying.

I look away reminded of why I'm here.

Everyone will be ok right?

"Hey Lia."

I look up and see a small but taller than I remember boy.

"Oh Alex hi", I stand up and hug him.

He's as tall as me now.

"How are you?" He asks.

I get this question too much.

"Okay", I say,"You?"

He sadly smiles,"Ok I guess. Is Ivanna in there?"

He points toward the room and I nod.

"I heard you two haven't seen each other in a while."

He nods,"Her condition got worse and I couldn't handle it. I didn't want her to see me break down so I haven't come around."

Ivanna's room door opens.

"Oh Miss. Layne", says the doctor,"you may go in now she's waiting."

I nod and thank the doctor as Alex and I proceed into her room.

"Idalia!- Alexander.."

Alex runs with tears in his eyes towards Ivanna and they wrap each other in a warm hug.

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