2. sine pi/two

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Renuki couldn't believe that her maid didn't wake her up on time. Even her mother didn't bother to wake her up. On a school day! Also, her phone had died somewhere in the middle of the night so her alarm didn't wake her up too, not that it ever did.

She was so late. So terribly late. She hadn't even had time to put on her makeup. That's how late she was. Cursing everyone in the world she tried to at least line her eyes in the car but it was probably one of the hardest things to do after chemistry practical. By the time she reached school, she was still a mess.

'Ma'am we are here.'

'Yes, I know!' Renuki said, as she wore her eyeliner and lip gloss.

Abruptly the car door opened.

'Renuki....' Her friend shouted but the voice slowly faded away as she took in her appearance.

'What happened?' Avantika asked.

'Got up late.' Renuki grumbled as she got out of her car.

'Did you even put the foundation!' Avantika inquired.

'No! Gosh what would happen if I didn't put make up for just one day aney?!' Renuki shouted, frustrated at everything that has happened since morning.

But she shouldn't have asked that question because Avantika just stared at Renuki wide eyed.

'I....uh...I meant am really annoyed right now. I didn't really mean it.' Renuki tried to convince Avantika but it didn't seem like it was going anywhere.

'I'll see you later.' Avantika said coldly before slamming the door.

Renuki stared at the door.

'Geez what was her problem anyways.' She muttered under her breath before getting out of the vehicle.

She had a few minutes before her homeroom class started so she decided to put her time to good use.

She took her emergency make up kit from her locker and went to the staircase that leads to the basement. She didn't risk going to the washroom because she didn't want to be ridiculed and she wasn't ready to meet Avantika as of yet.

She took her compact powder and looking at the tiny mirror she worked her magic. She was peacefully wearing her makeup until Kevan came along.

'Hey girl, is your sine pi over two because I think you're the one.' Kevan winked at her.

Renuki groaned, pausing from putting on her eyeliner.

'You again!'

'Yes me.' He leans against the banister, crossing his arms over his chest.

Renuki rolled her eyes before continuing to line her eyes, trying her best to ignore the smirking nerd in front of her. But she felt uncomfortable in his presence so much so that she could not concentrate on winging her eyeliner. After much struggle she finally managed to finish applying her makeup.

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