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You asked.
And I'm answering!

Let's get to it.
Although, I have to admit, not many questions were asked. So I may have added some extras, like the examples I have in the last chapter.

1) JanBella251 asked: What is your opinion on Marvel?
I used to be a really big fan of Marvel, and don't get me wrong, I still love it. But I just love DC that little bit more. But I still can't wait for the new Marvel films coming out soon. Spiderman looks pretty awesome, I can wait for Deadpool 2 to become a thing. AND INFINITY WAR IS GOING TO MAKE ME CRY I GUARANTEE IT. STEVE ROGERS AND JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES ARE MY REASONS FOR LIFE. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ROMANOGERS I SHIP IT TOO MUCH.

2) totallyawkwardjodie asked: What would you do if Jerome Valeska came into your college and took your class hostage?
This was a really interesting question. I know and example I gave was how I would face a psychopathic murderer, but this is different. This is specifically Jerome. Plus, it's with my classmates.
In general, if I were faced with Jerome, I'd probably try to say something witty, sarcastic, and slightly flirtatious. But end up choking on my words and crying.
But, in answer to your specific question Jodie, it would depend on what class it was.

For example!
If it were Sociology, which is probably my favourite class, I feel it would be a lot more excitable. Mainly because my Sociology class are all incredibly sarcastic, so I feel Jerome would get along with us all. It would obviously be awkward and incredibly scary, with our life hanging in the balance. But I just know someone would try to relieve the tension by saying something to make us all laugh.
If it were Biology, it is a significantly smaller class. Meaning it'd probably be a lot more frightening since it would be more intimate. I think then I'd be genuinely scared for my life.
Hmm. Psychology.
This is a lot more serious than my other classes. It is also a larger class. So it would probably just be awkward, and multiple members of the class would probably end up dead.
Sorry, guys. I love you.

1) My favourite season and why?
My favourite season would probably be Autumn. Don't get me wrong, I love all the other seasons. Spring is brilliant, but I have hayfever so it isn't the best. I love Autumn because it isn't too hot and it isn't too cold. Plus, the rain isn't that heavy. It's more of a drizzle on the windows and a crisp, cold air. And I really love the sound of crunchy leaves on the floor when you stand on them.
It's very satisfying.

2) Favourite fanfiction on Wattpad?
That's a tough one.
I've recently become obsessed with "Broken Memories" – a Carl Grimes story by rulovesyou and I think it's brilliant. Definitely one of the best stories I've read. Plus, the OC is called Skye, which (as you know) is my name.
But another favourite of mine is pretty much anything written by GlennTrash, but more specifically I love "Ice", a Draco Malfoy story. One of the OCs, Cleo, is so relatable. I think she's brilliant. And I'm pretty sure that in my friend group, I am the Cleo.
Brilliant stories, both of you! Sorry for the random notification. But I love your work, keep it up!

3) Favourite pick up line?
Sorry, couldn't resist!
One of my favourites is very simple:
*Clears throat*
"I like your face. Would you like my number?"
But I had this friend in my old school, who was hilarious and just came up with really blunt ones. His best was probably:
"Nice shoes. Let's date."
Let me know some of your favourites! I need to add some more, so I can try them out.

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