"I wonder where Leon is," he said.

"He'll turn up somewhere," Gwen assured him. "It seems like everything is coming together. It's like destiny."


"Hold on, I see something," said Merlin. He was sitting on the ground, a map spread before him, and meditating to perform an incredibly powerful spell. It was to detect an magic, even on people who hadn't used magic in this life. It was sure to detect someone as powerful as Mordred.

"Is it him?" asked Morgana.

"I'm not sure," he replied. With his magic, he tried to focus on the blip of energy. It wasn't very far away, just in Burnham-on-Sea by Bristol Channel, only about 20 miles away. "I can't be sure, but it looks like a very powerful sorcerer. It could be him."


Lancelot had retrieved his car from his old flat, and Merlin and Morgana were now driving to where they saw the magic. The drive was only half an hour, and it wasn't a bad half-hour, either. Morgana was almost giddy with the excitement of seeing Mordred, and Merlin was made happy just by seeing her so. They talked a little about their theories about why everyone was back at the same time. Before they knew it, they were both jolted by a sudden presence. They could feel strong magic. It led Merlin through small winding roads to an old, brick house. Before he had even fully stopped the car, Morgana was opening the door and running to the door of the house.

"Morgana! Wait!" he called, parking. She looked back at him impatiently, but waited until he joined her before ringing the doorbell. She was guided by a feeling, an intuition, deep inside her. The door opened.

Merlin couldn't speak. The woman standing in front of him was like a bad dream. He had never known Morgause well, but he had seen enough to know the harm she inflicted upon everyone. Even Morgana, who was currently staring open-mouthed at her sister. Merlin remembered a soft part of Morgana breaking through the hard exterior and crying in his hold. She had been tortured by her sister, but love never dies. Merlin realized that a long time ago. No matter how badly a person hurts you, the love doesn't fade. It just changes.

"Morgause," whispered Morgana. Her eyes shone with tears. Merlin wanted more than anything to shut the door on the witch and comfort Morgana. But he couldn't do that.

Morgana, should we do it? It could be dangerous to have her back. Merlin warned softly through their telepathic connection.

She's my sister, Morgana replied, meeting his eyes. There is so much unfinished between us. I need this, Merlin.

Merlin sighed. He had a terrible foreboding about this, but replied, It's your choice.

Instead of answering, Morgana lurched forward into Morgause's arms. The woman obviously didn't have any memories, and wasn't exactly a warm person. She attempted to push Morgana away, but not before Morgana flooded magic through to her.


The big house quite near to Avalon was empty, and Lancelot remembered that it had been so for years. Nobody would buy it, and the owner had basically forgotten about it. It was perfect for their purposes. There were seven bedrooms, which would comfortably house all the people they knew of so far.

Finding the door locked, the knights checked for other entrances. Gwaine was checking a window in the back when Gaius's face appeared at the window. He started back.

"How did you get in there?" he asked.

"It turns out my magic is usable in this world," the old man said. He opened the window, and Gwaine pulled himself in. His gracefulness disappeared as soon as his torso entered the building. He tumbled inside, letting out a shout of surprise. Percival came running.

"How'd you get in there?" the big knight asked, just as Gwaine had done. Gwaine sprung into his view by sitting up.

"Oh, hello there," he said. "Gaius is a sorcerer!"

"I know," said Percival sadly.

"Another thing I died before it was revealed?" asked Gwaine lightheartedly. Percival shot him a look. He changed the subject. "Aren't you coming in?"

"I don't think I'd fit," Percival said honestly. Gwaine jumped to his feet and found a door. He called out, and the other two knights came in.

"It's nice," Lancelot noted. "Spacious." It was indeed. Although it was dusty after years of neglect, a great deal of money had clearly been invested into the renovation of the house. The dining room had a large table, that was coincidentally round. Perhaps it wasn't coincidence. 

The kitchen, where everyone stood, didn't have many modern appliances or any food in it, but those could be brought from Gwen and Morgan's flats. Lancelot wandered into the sitting room at the front of the house. White sheets were thrown over the furniture. The stairs were very ornamentally carved wood, reminiscent of ancient styles.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask about," Gwaine started as Lancelot and Percival tore sheets off the furniture and opened the drapes, letting in bright midday sun. "And I only ask now because everybody else seems to know and didn't want to appear foolish in front of everyone."

"You're several years too late," Percival said with a grin. Gwaine threw an apple at him.

"Is Merlin a very powerful sorcerer?"

Percival immediately stopped rubbing his arm where the apple struck. Lancelot glanced between them, unsure if he was qualified to explain. Gaius took the initiative.

"Merlin, or Emrys as the Druids call him, is the most powerful sorcerer ever to walk the Earth," he said solemnly. 

Gwaine let out a whistle. "You're not absolutely shocked?" Percival asked.

"I always knew he had magic," Gwaine shrugged. "I mean, it was fairly obvious. I was just waiting for him to tell me in his own time." One of Gaius's eyebrows raised higher than ever. "But the most powerful sorcerer? That's a whopper."

Percival shook his head in disbelief. "You knew?  Why didn't you tell me?"

Lancelot smiled softly. "You're a true friend, Gwaine. I'm glad Merlin had you. Has you again."

"Me too!" Gwaine agreed. He patted Percival's shoulder. "Sorry, big guy, I can't share all the secrets I know." He ran upstairs. The others looked after their headstrong friend in familiar confusion.

"I want this room!" his voice shouted from the second floor. Gaius chuckled.

"I'd better secure on for myself," Gaius chuckled. "Before all the best rooms are claimed."

"That's a good idea," Percival said. "I have a feeling we aren't the last to come here."

"I hope not," Lancelot said. He fingered the delicate carvings on the round table. "There are so many we have not yet found. If Mordred truly has returned, and he is as bad as you say, we need everyone we can get."

The Future of CamelotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora