Monday (part 1)

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It the week of Christmas and my mom had so excited, she said that she just won tickets to go on a cruise. Mom, Tony, and I all packed our bags; we piled all of our luggage in the car and went to DIA to catch the next flight to California. It was their first time on a plane and they were both cussing up a storm, saying everything you can imagine; when we actually got on the plane they started to panic a little, I calmed them down a little as we took our seats. I happened to have a window seat and they were both had a sigh of relief that neither of them had to look out the windows, as the plane started to take off, I could tell that mom and Tony were closing their eyes so tight that you could see the eye wrinkles on their eye lids. I told them to relax and breath as they held each others hand, as they kept breathing and relaxing, I tried to get some sleep; when I woke up and turned towards the window. I saw that it was raining a little, I blinked and saw a teenage boy around my age on the wing of the plane; I gasped so loud that everyone was looking at me. I put my headphones on and turned back to where I saw him and he was gone, my mouth dropped, shaking my head; I looked mom and Tony as they looked back confused. I shrugged my shoulders and tried to get some sleep, we finally made it to California, as we headed into the exiting part of the airport, I felt paranoid that he was everywhere and anywhere but we, safely, got to the baggage claim area to grab our bags and headed out to the cruise; realizing that we were early. We were allowed to go on and head to our rooms, mom and Tony shared a room while I had a room next to them but I didn't know who I was sharing it with. I unpacked one of my bags into the closet, while doing so, I heard a knock and someone letting themselves in before I could say come in. As I turned around, I saw him again, my mouthed dropped again as he smirked at me; " What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Is that how you greet your roommate?" he asked back, putting his suitcase on the foot end of the bunk beds; "You didn't answer me." I said
"Ladies first."he replied, I sighed in defeat."No it's not how I greet my roommates, not when they're stalking from an airplane wing." I hissed quietly at him; he whipped around with the same smirk and walked towards me."What are you?" I asked as backed onto the wall, his head zooming up to my ear ,"it's a secret..."he whispered, still very close to me; he was so close that I could feel how cold his skin was."Why is you skin so cold?"I asked, he pulled away as he stared into my eyes. His was all black and I couldn't understand why.

I hope you guys like it!!!! Please me know what you think and if you guys what me to continue with this story.

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