Chapter 18: Family

Start from the beginning

"Oh, let me help," Draco interrupted.

"Yeah, me too," Harry added.

"Oh, er, sure then," Ron replied smiling, and his ears went slightly pink.

They all walked downstairs, and Mrs. Weasley smiled as they all took on different jobs in the kitchen. Soon enough, they finished and the whole family joined at the table. "We have a guest," Molly announced and the boys all looked at Draco with unsure looks, although trying to hide them considerably well.

Most of the Weasley kids already knew about Draco, but Bill, Charlie, Percy and Mr. Weasley were still clueless about the whole situation. Mrs. Weasley could sense Draco's nervousness and his fidgeting, and she cast a look at Harry. He just blinked and continued eating.

Draco rolled his eyes. How oblivious could you get? Honestly. He kicked Harry under the table lightly and Harry finally got the message. "Oh!" He cleared his throat. "So you're um, probably wondering why Draco is here."

Everyone looked at him, especially the three siblings and Arthur. "It's a long story, so here goes nothing. So, er, in the beginning of the previous year, I was paired with Draco for potion partners. And so, obviously, I prepared for the worst," he smiled a little. "But we became friends after Draco apologized and I thought, why not give him a second chance? And so we hung out in secret during out project. And things changed. I realized I liked him- more than a friend. And he thought that too, so we- we started dating. But in secret! No one knew. And we spent Christmas together. After break we um, came out to Ron and Hermione. And when the O.W.L.s were over, we came out to the school."

They all stared at him. "Oh," Charlie broke the silence. "Ok."

Draco spoke up for the first time in front of the whole family. "I'm sorry, I should go," he mumbled.

Arthur interrupted. "Wait, Ma-Draco, what are you saying?" he corrected himself mid-sentence after Harry's explanation.

"It's just- I shouldn't be here, I'm a disappointing excuse for the person you think Harry should be with."

Harry grabbed his arm. "Draco..." he whispered, his eyes showing hurt.

"No, sit down, Draco." Arthur said. He looked at Harry. "You're happy with him?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you," he said, turning towards Draco. "Do you treat him well?"


"Well then, I really can't object."

Harry's face broke out into a nervous grin. He turned towards Ron's older siblings. "You don't mind?"

Charlie answered him. "Well if you're happy, Harry, then that's good for you, no matter who it is."

They all nodded and smiled back at him.

Draco smiled, but tried to cover his face with his sleeves. Harry pulled his arm down. "Don't, your smile is really cute."

Draco blushed even more. Mrs. Weasley smiled and interrupted their conversation. "You can stay here as long as you want, I just want to make sure you're ok."

"Thanks again."

"Oh really, it's nothing."

Harry suddenly got an idea. "Can we come back in a while? I want to go see Sirius."

"That's a great idea, Harry," Molly exclaimed.

"Yeah?" Harry said. "Alright, we'll be back!" He exclaimed as he pulled Draco out the door. They apparated to 12 Grimmauld Place and stood outside nervously.

"Harry, are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Draco! I wouldn't do anything that I'm not sure of."

"Oh really? What about when you kissed me on the forehead when you left my dorm back in school? You were pretty unsure then."

"Oh god! You were awake then? I thought you were asleep!"

"I was pretending to be sleeping- because I wanted you to do something like that."

Harry rolled his eyes. "What a hopeless romantic."

"Yeah, but I'm your hopeless romantic," Draco muttered as he kissed Harry's nose.

Harry blushed and announced back, "Draco, are you just stalling now?"

"Wh-what? Me? I'm hurt by your words, how dare you accuse me of such things?"

Harry smiled. "Draco...."

"Ok, ok, fine, let's go."

Harry stepped inside. Kreacher was cleaning the living room. He caught sight of Draco, and exclaimed at once, "Finally, a pureblood worth coming into the house!"

Hearing the house elve's noise, Sirius walked down the stairs. "Harry? Is that you?"

"Yeah! And I brought- er, a guest."

Sirius finally turned to get a look at them and upon seeing Draco, he froze. "What's going on, Harry?"

"I have to tell you something, Sirius. Please promise me you won't get mad."

"Harry, Harry, I couldn't get mad at you. You're my godson."

"Alright then."

They all sat down, and Harry once again repeated what was going on.

He grabbed Draco's hand and smiled. "Are you mad at me- at us?"

Sirius rubbed his head. "No, Harry, I'm just surprised. Are you two happy together?"


"And you, Draco?"


Sirius smiled. He got up and held his hand towards Draco. Surprised, Draco shook it back.

Sirius continued, "Treat Harry well, alright? Or else." Draco gulped.

"Er- I-"

"I'm just kidding, Draco," Sirius laughed.

"I'll treat him great, sir."

"Call me Sirius."

"Alright, Sirius."

Sirius turned to Harry. "I'll so glad you told me, Harry. I want you to be as happy as you can."

Harry grinned back. He kissed Draco's cheek slightly and his boyfriend blushed.

Harry walked over to his godfather and hugged him tightly. "I have to go back to the Weasley's, but I will visit you often. I promise." He smiled and apparated back with Draco at his side.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been a little busy with school work but I'll try to update faster next time. :) And also I changed the name from 'Brewing Up a Love Potion' to 'Brewing Up a Lucky Potion' because I feel it fit better with the story. Which one should I keep? Or any other name reccomendations? ◇

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