Chapter 6: Us

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Harry struggled with his books walked down the hallway. He came to a stop as he neared the door. With a sigh, he knocked. 

With messy hair and a wrinkled tie, Draco opened the door. "Um, hey, c-come in."

Harry placed his books on the table with care and took off his jacket. His shirt was wrinkled and his hair was messed up, but Draco didn't care at all. He sat down on the couch and picked up his quill. 

"I'll update the potion log, alright?" Harry asked. Draco nodded and sat down next to Harry. His hair fell messily over his scar, and his cheeks were a light shade of pink from the chill outside. Harry took the quill, and with slightly messy handwriting, updated the log, "Potion is in brewing stage, and turning a dark shade of purple."

Draco awkwardly cleared his throat. He'd been anxious the whole day to ask Potter this. Harry looked at him with a confused look. 

"Um, Harry, what are we exactly?" Draco muttered.

Harry was slightly thrown off by this question, but then a smile came to his face. He moved hand toward's Draco's, and laced their fingers together. 

"Well, I really like you, so we can figure out the rest later."

"I like you too, Harry," Draco blushed.

Draco leaned in and gave Harry a little kiss on his cheek. 

Harry snuggled up next to him and placed his head on Draco's shoulder.

"Draco, is it ok if we don't tell anyone about us? Or at least yet?"

"Yeah, that sounds good to me," he replied.

Harry closed his eyes and gently stroked Draco's hair.

With a mumble, he said,  "Wake me up when December ends."

◇So I just want to say that I used a reference to the Green Day song, "Wake Me Up When September Ends"◇

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