Chapter 17: Alleyway

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It was summer, and as always, Harry was treated like he wasn't even there, except for any chores he was assigned to do. Harry got mail frequently from Hermione, Ron, and now, Draco as well. It was only July 3, but his friends kept sending him hints about his birthday.

Each night, he'd read over the letters he got, feeling happier than he had ever felt at the Dursley's.

On top of that, Draco had sent him many messages on how Harry was great, and Harry would read those to keep him company when he was feeling lonely. They'd be visiting each other sometime in the middle of July, and suddenly, Harry felt a hole form in his stomach.

What if something happened? Draco's parents didn't exactly- how you would say- like Harry.


Draco lay awake inside the Malfoy Manor, clutching his blanket. He missed Harry, a lot. And the stress of his family put even more pressure on him. He knew the response wouldn't exactly be a celebration, but he hoped for the best.

He knew that his mother probably wouldn't mind, as she truly did love Draco with all her heart. On the other hand, his father would be outraged, Draco thought.

Draco closed his eyes, mentally telling himself to think happy thoughts. He fell asleep thinking of Harry, his mother, and Potions class.


The days passed quicker than both boys had expected, and it was July 16 in the blink of an eye.

Having marked the day on his wizard calendar, Draco woke up early, took a shower, and went over to his closet. He frowned. He couldn't show up at the Dursley's wearing robes. He searched to the back of his closet until he found something muggle-like. He put on a Slytherin t-shirt, and some muggle pants called 'jeans'. Draco wouldn't be caught dead near his father wearing these clothes, so he quickly put a charm in himself which made his clothes look like wizard clothes.

He quickly left the house, telling his parents that he was off to practice some quidditch at a nearby field. His father barely noticed over telling the house elves chores, and his mother gave him a small smile as he left.

Draco stepped outside of the door and went to an alley way where no one would see him. He apparated himself to 4 Privet Drive, and found himself standing at their driveway.

He looked looked at himself, making sure he was still in one piece. Luckily, he was and sighed. He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Inside, Harry heard the door and jumped. Could that be him? Dudley's footsteps shook the whole house. "I'll get it!" He screamed, hoping it to be the delivery man with one of his new gifts.

Draco waited patiently until a chubby teenager opened the door.

This must be the cousin Harry talked about, Draco thought.

"Um, hello," Draco said politely.

Dudley put on a disgusted look. "Who are you?"

" Harry here?"

Harry was now at the door, standing behind Dudley. "Who is it?" Without waiting for Dudley's response, he opened the door to Draco's nervous face. He ran into his arms and gave him a tight hug. "I've missed you," he whispered into Draco's shoulder.

"Me too."

Dudley stared at them until he gave Harry a nasty look. "Is that your boyfriend, Harry?" he taunted Harry.

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