Something's Up?

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Fresh's POV:

I woke up from someone who just suddenly yelled in the middle of the night. 

"Who woke up my beauty sleep..." Raul groaned trying to get some sleep, "I want to get back to sleep..."

"No need.... worry," I yawn, "I'll see what I can do...." I got out of my sleeping bag and headed to (Y/n)'s room and knocked. (Btw, since there were four of them and only two bedrooms, I decided to put them into two groups X3).

PJ answered the door. "Oh, it's just you.."

"Just me huh?" I replied with a sassy tone, "Me and Raul woke up from YOUR yelling. What's up with you..."

"I just...had a nightmare..." He said scratching his head.(Ha, Nightmare, get it? get it? Ok I'll stop now =3)

"Well, keep your screams and night terrors to yourself," I said still yawning, "some of us are still trying to get some shut eye..."

"GO TALK SOMEWHERE ELSE WILL YA?!" Raul yelled from our bedroom, "I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP!!!!"

PJ seemed to mumble something that I didn't actually quite catch very well, so I ignored it. "I'm glad (Y/n) didn't wake up from your yelling..."

"Nah, she did....I think?" PJ replied with a questioning tone, "look just go back to sleep and go dream about...ponies and magical land or whatever nerds dream of..."

"Pardon me, but I think-" Before I could finish my sentence he slammed the door right in front of my face! "That good for nothing fucking jerk!!!" I instantly covered my mouth realizing what I said. Hopefully no one heard that out loud.... (Everyone heard that: Author, Readers, Characters, and more baka =3)

Days later...


Nerd and I stayed at (Y/n)'s house until school started again, and only 4 more months before graduation and summer... I'm a junior going up to a senior. Wow, can't believe time flies by. Next year is bye bye for me.. Oh well, might as well enjoy my Junior year until it lasts and maybe finally get to ask (Y/n) to be my girlfriend....




I hope she says yes... Plus Valentine's... (I know it's a little

I walked to History class, which Mr. Nightmare had greeted especially (Y/n)... but... differently. Actually, now that I think about it, ALL the teacher's greeted her differently...





I don't like this feeling...

Fresh's POV:

I have classes with (Y/n) and PJ on 1,5,and 6. What I noticed is that each teacher greeted (Y/n) differently from how each teacher greeted all the students. Was it that Valentine's was coming up? (Again, sorry I was late.. >   <)

Right now I have PE with (Y/n) and just (Y/n). No sign of PJ or his friends in my class. I was already dressed and early as usual, so I decided to make a Valentine's card for (Y/n)! I really hope she likes it... I can feel my cheeks burning hot as I write on the card.

After a few good 4 minutes passed, I finished the card just in time for the students to come in the gym. I placed the card in my bag and planned to slip it in her locker later on.

As Mr. Error came in, class has started.

He seems to be yelling slightly softer today, wonder what's wrong? At first, I thought he was sick or something that he couldn't speak properly. Then, I saw he had a slight yellow blush tinted on his cheek as if he was.... nervous?

All the teacher's seem to act a bit off... not all the teacher's, but some of the teacher's that (Y/n) has for classes and maybe some teachers that she met while heading to her classes?

I didn't want to say anything...anything at all...
































.....But something is up.....

Author's Note:

I have finish this chapter! Now, onward to the next!!!

Alphys: Y-you're not g-going to tell us w-what's gonna happen?


Undyne: Well, at least fill us in the details...

*throws scripts at ever single character* READ DEM LINES!!!

Error: ....... I am not getting paid enough for this crap...

Ink: Cheer up Error, look at the bright side!! You have a longer line than mine.


Palette: We'll see what we can do Author-chan!

MAKE MEH PROUD!! >=3 Oh, and the next Chapter will blow you all away! Mwahahaha! Until next time!!

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