The Truth part 2

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Class seemed to take forever, of course reasons why, Mr. Error was the substitute for this class since our Math teacher, Ms. Toriel, isn't here.

"Now!" Mr. Error said as he continued writing on the board, "Remember tomorrow I'll still be here until Toriel gets back so get use to it!"

A few students groaned knowing while Mr. Error is here, boredom rises.

I giggled as I noticed PJ mostly banging his head on the table. He seems to be the classroom joker as well. quite funny.....and hot-wait what am I thinking?! I shook my head to focus in class.

Though, everytime I have seconds to spare, I'd take a slight glance over to where he sits and blushes a little.

Ok..... Maybe I have a little crush on PJ... I SAID A LITTLE!


Bored bored bored bored bored and BORED!! When is class gonna end! I want to go home and lay in bed and then go to basketball practice, but instead I have to be in this stupid place! I'm gonna die in here!

My dad seemed to notice how bored I was. everyone looked bored! Well, except (Y/N), she seems to focus more on studying rather than fun.




After a few minutes, the bell finally rang. I stood up and stretched. Everyone else started to pack and leave class. I myself was about to leave.

"Hey, PJ" (Y/N) said as she walked towards me, "can we talk privately please?"

This girl, doesn't she remember what I said before? I glared at her sending her the message. She backed away a bit to give me room to finally get my bag and leave.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I can't let him push me anymore that this! I need to know! I got to know!

"Wait!" I cried out. He didn't stop to here me out. "I said wait!"

I followed him out to his locker. "Hear me out at least for a second!" He continued to ignore me.

This is getting really annoying...


Why am I ignoring her? Reasons... I'm not mad at her or anything... I'm mad at myself... why? Because... because.....




I like her... But not in a crush type thing! I just like personality, and...and um....that's it...

I slammed my locker shut and still ignoring her and walk away. she didn't say anything for a while, but as I was heading outside of school now...

"PJ!" She called out, "PJ, I'm...I'm sorry..."

I stopped in my tracks. She me. I decided to turn around.

I hesitated on what I should say, though nothing came out. "What do you want."

"I just needed to know something is all..." she replied.

What did she want to know? I know nothing about Algebra, I never pay attention. I also don't know anything about Biology and English. I slept through every single class...well except History. I'm awesome at it.

"I just need to know what happened back then when you were just a freshmen yourself when humans ruled this school." (Y/N) said interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at her with a surprise and shock face.


































"Where did you hear that..?" I asked in a serious tone.


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