"I guess we'll have to go to the doctor, to make sure. And if it's still positive, we'll have to think what we want, if we want this" I say. Daniel nods, looking down at his lap for a second. Those 2 minutes take forever.

"Do you want it?" Daniel asks, his voice extremely small, like I've never heard it before.

"I'm not sure. We're both so young, you're in the middle of your career" I say. Daniel nods slowly.

"You?" I ask him. He looks unsure and bites his lip.

"If I wasn't a Formula 1 driver, I would've wanted it" he says. I nod slowly, as my timer goes off. My heart starts to beat harder, as I feel myself start to shake.

"Do you want me to look?" Daniel asks me. I nod slowly, feeling too nervous to do it myself. This is it, this can change our lifes forever. Daniel leans forwards and grabs the stick. He sighs and I'm not sure what kind of sigh it is.

"Only 1" he says. I look up at him, not sure if I should be happy or sad.

"1?" I ask, to be sure. He nods slowly, showing me the stick. Only 1 line. I'm not pregnant.

"There is no mini me growing inside of your stomach" Daniel says, a half smile on his face.

"This is a good thing, right?" I ask. I thought that I'd feel happier about this, but I actually feel kind of sad, disappointed even.

"It should be" Daniel answers, laying the stick down on the table. He opens his arms and I let myself fall into them. I place my head on his chest, while his arms wrap around me.

"Then why do I feel so sad?" I ask. Daniel chuckles slightly, kissing my head.

"Because I'm awesome and you wished you had another me?" Daniel asks, slowly going back to himself. I giggle and press myself harder against Daniel.

"It is a good thing, Sien. It wasn't the right time. We can try again in a couple of years" Daniel says. I nod, feeling slightly more at ease. I just sigh, mostly in relief. Daniel is right, it wouldn't be the right time.

"Hey Dan?" I ask him. I sit up and wait for him to look at me. When he does, I bite my lip. Daniel doesn't waist a second and smashes his lips against mine. His hands grab onto my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Are you sure, you know, after this?" Daniel asks, as his lips move to my neck.

"We can always start practicing, right?" I manage to get out, while my breathing gets heavier. I feel Daniel grinning against my neck, sucking on a spot right below my ear.

I move my hands under his shirt, lifting it up. Daniel moves away from my neck, so I can take his shirt off.

Daniel's lips find it's way back to my lips. I put my legs around his waist, as he lifts me up and walks to the bedroom.

"I love you, Sien" Daniel says, while laying me down on the bed. He hovers over me, as I smile at him.

"I love you too, Dan" I say, pulling his head back to mine.


I'm walking through the halls of the Factory the next day, happy, excited. Not so excited to start working on the dozens of mails, but happy.

"Si!" I look around and see Max walking towards me. He is smiling at me, which can mean only one thing, he had talked to Daniel.

"Dan told you?" I ask him before he can say anything. Max nods and chuckles. He just hooks his arm through mine as we start walking towards my office.

"I'm happy it all worked out, Si" Max tells me.

"Thanks, me too. How are you, by the way?" I ask. Max just shrugs, looking slightly sad.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. I feel alright, but also not so good. You know, the whole Camilla thing and then the Belgium Grand Prix still. Italy sucked as well" Max says, looking down. I don't think I've ever seen him like this.

"First off all, the Camilla thing will fade. Secondly, let Belgium go. It happened, there's nothing you can do about it. And Italy, yeah, that sucked" I reply to him, making him chuckle.

"We'll all be alright, Max" I say, placing my hand on his arm.

"Are you best friends again?" I hear someone ask. I look up to find Stuart walking towards us. I giggle at Stuart and nod.

"The best, you're replaced" I tell him. Stuart pouts slightly, but starts laughing.

"How's Julia?" I ask Stuart, making him blush and making Max look confused.

"Julia? As in Julia McCredie? Our Julia?" Max asks, looking from me to Stuart, who now blushes more.

"That's the one!" I say to Max, looking back at Stuart. He is looking at the floor, trying to stop himself from blushing.

"Stu, you can talk to me about it, though" I tell him. He just shakes his head and wants to walk away.

"Stuart Smith! Come back here" I half yell. Stuart turns back around and sighs.

"Fine. I kinda like her, but I'm not sure if she feels the same" he says, looking as if it is his biggest secret ever. He keeps looking around for people to have heard.

"Just ask her out, man. She probably likes you back" Max now says, smiling widely at Dan's personal trainer. Stuart just sighs again.

"You do that! I want to know everything!" I say to Stuart. He suddenly looks nervous.

"Stu, Julia likes you too, it's kind of obvious" I say. Stuart gets a small smile on his face. I giggle and shake my head, seeing the big guy looking like a tiny school girl.



So, she's not pregnant 😱
I loved writing this small story line, though!
Did you guess think she was pregnant or not?

Next chapter will be up on Wednesday!

By the way;
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE! lovestorieswriter

Haunting - Daniel Ricciardoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن