The Morning

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Silently I blinked open my eyes. My arm was wrapped around Chase's chest, and his head rested on mine. I just smiled and fixed myself into a more comfortable position on his chest.

"Eric?" Chase whispered. I opened my eyes and removed myself from him. Damn! He probably thinks I'm so freaking weirdo.

"Yeah?" I chocked out. I looked over at him. His shaggy brown hair was in all sort of positions, and I could see the beautiful brown color of his eyes now that his glasses were off.

"Where's your shirt?" he asked slowly. I looked down, my chest was bare. My shirt was gone! I didn't even remember taking it off.

"I-I honestly have no idea." I stuttered. I could feel my cheeks burning, I must have looked like a freaking tomato.

"Hey here it is." he said as he reached over to the other side of me. He handed me my shirt. I looked up at him. He was on top of me. Our eyes locked. He was so close I could hear the beat of his heart. I inhaled. He bit his lip and blushed.

"Chase! Breakfast is ready!" a peppy voice called from below. We both flinched. Gently he removed himself from me.

"I'll be right back. I'll just tell her I'm not hungry." he smiled awkwardly. He got off of the bed and down to the kitchen, closing the door as he did. I sighed and put my shirt on. Last night I remember having a dream about kissing some guy, but I couldn't make it out. It was raining.

Silently, I got up and started to look around. The sketch was still on his desk flipped upside down, I flipped it over and examined it. As I looked closer I realized the player had my number, number ten, but I also realized the player was me. I put it back down the way it was.

I walked around the rest of the room and checked everything out. I heard the door open.

"Hey, Chase." I smiled as I turned. But I felt my heart stop, it was his mother. She stood there staring at me as if I was some deadly creature.

"Chase! Come here!" she called. I heard his footsteps come running. He stopped when he saw his mother.

"Mom, sorry I didn't tell you my friend, Eric was here," he began. "He didn't have a ride, so I brought him here to dry off, and I let him sleep in my bed."

"Oh. Well it was raining pretty hard," she turned to him. "You could have told me so I could have cooked him so breakfast too."

I smiled, "I'm fine, Mrs. Jared."

"Okay, deary. But, do you need a ride home? Or if not you could use our phone and call your parents." she nodded.

I looked at Chase, "Chase promised he'd take me home."

She smiled, "Okay, that's fine too."

She walked out of the room. Chase closed the door after she left and started to laugh. I raised my eyebrows.

"Sorry, it was funny." he giggled.

"So, can I still have that ride?" I asked. I walked over to his nightstand and picked up his glasses. I walked over to him and gently put them on.

"Sure thing. A promise is a promise, deary." he laughed.

~ < ~

"Thanks for the ride." I smiled at Chase.

"No prob. And it was really nice of Coach Smith to fix your car. The guy hates me because I'm terrible at sports." he laughed.

"So. . .I'll see you around. Right?" I asked. I opened the door.

"I think so. We have like our first and last class together. . .I think." he nodded.

"Aw, that's cool. So I'll see you Monday." I got out of the car and shut the door. He smiled and waved before he drove off. I sighed and walked over to my car. I reached for my keys and unlocked the door.

"That Chase boy gave you a ride, huh?" someone's voice asked. I jumped back a little. Slowly I turned around, Coach Smith was staring at me.

"Yeah. . .why, Coach?" I asked a little confused.

He shrugged, "I don't know. He was always, an, odd one. Maybe that wasn't the best idea."

"What do you mean odd one? Are you calling him gay?" I could feel the anger in my voice rising. I wish it hadn't though. He would probably infer we had a thing for each other. Which was kind of true in a way. I smiled a tiny bit to myself.

He held his hands up in defense, "I'm just saying, Eric. The others wouldn't like that."

I opened the door and sat in the front seat, "Homophobic much? Love is love, bro."

His jaw dropped. I gave him a wide smile before I shut the door in his face and drove off back to my house. Looks like my work here was done. For now.

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