The Closet?

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 My eyes fluttered opened to the annoying, repetitive sound of my alarm clock. Quickly, I shut it off and looked silently up at the white ceiling above me. I sighed and thought about Chase and I. Like what would happen to us. We'd be ridiculed for being gay, and threatened even. I didn't want to see Chase get hurt again, like when Nathan attacked him.

But, then again, Chase and I shouldn't be ashamed of each other's love for one another. We're just as normal as a boy and girl, or girl and girl couple. I removed myself from my bed and went to get ready for another day of school.

~ < ~

"Hey, Eric!" Chase's voice called. I turned around and Chase came walking towards me. He gave me a quick, tiny hug.

"Hi, Chasey." I whispered.

"I was like, thinking about some things, Eric." Chase admitted.

I nodded, "Like what?"

 "Hm, I kinda don't know how to say it," he paused a little. "Okay, so you know how we're now an. . .item, like are we keeping it low or public?"

  If we went public, it could be a life-and-death situation, in a way. And if we kept it to ourselves, that's like saying we were ashamed of being together.

"We could still be a couple and all that, but only tell our close friends. And we can hold hands and kiss if you want." I winked.

He kissed my cheek, "I would like that a lot."

"Is it official?" a preppy voice asked.

 Chase and I both turned to the direction the girlie voice came from. Cyndi stood there with James next to her. She seemed happy for us--like we achieved something, but James looked. . .almost bored actually. His gaze caught mine, and I felt myself go still. He turned away.

"You mean Eric and I?" Chase asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

 "No, maybe I mean Eric and Claire." she laughed.

"I guess so," Chase shrugged. "Just taking it one day at a time, ya know."

"That's nice." James nodded.

 "So are you guys going as a couple to the dance tomorrow?" Cyndi smiled, she made a popping sound with her mouth.

  "Dance?" I squeaked out. They all chuckled silently to themselves. I remember talking about it in class, but I never given any thought about going. Maybe Chase and I could go together, Show we're a couple and we don't care what others think.

"Yeah," she nodded. "The spring, formal, dressy thing we talked about. James and I are tagging along together. 'Cause we're awesome like that."

 He laughed, "That's how we roll."

Chase tugged at my shirt and cupped his hands around my ear, "Wanna go, sweetheart?"

"Are you asking me to go with you?" I smiled at him.

 "See ya later you two," Cyndi winked. "You better say 'yes' Eric!"

"So. . .Eric. Do you wanna go to the formal, spring, prom thing?" Chase blushed, he looked down at the ground then back at me.

 I smiled, "Sure, why not. You're my boyfriend and I love you."

He smiled back and kissed my cheek. Our first display of affection together in public. And it definitely wouldn't be our last.

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