Chapter Ten // Race For The Cure (Part 2)

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"I wouldn't be stupid enough to drink toxic chemicals!!" Adrien groaned, waving his flaking hand around. Jewel's hand came in contact with the side of his head, making him screech in pain as she glared at him. "Are you taking this as some sort of joke?!" The two cats hissed and spat at each other angrily as a particular blonde woman walked in to check on her son. "Now, now," Andrea tsked as she pulled them apart. "It was just an accident, right?" Jewel was about to angrily snap at her mother when she realised that her eyes were not sparkling as they usually did.

They looked broken inside.

Of course, Jewel thought, her chest now constricted and tight as she observed her seemingly cheerful mother chat with Adrien. She world be worried about Adrien as well, wouldn't she? Thoughts randomly twisted around in her head, each one making less sense than the last.

"What if you talk to the others?" Jewel turned around to stare at her brother who had voiced out a (intelligent) suggestion.


"That- is actually a good idea..." Jewel trailed off as she stood to the side, crossing her arms and staring up at the dusty ceiling. Pondering the idea, she nodded to her twin, her eyes staring up at the cobwebs that seemingly kept the small attic together, like a sort of messed up glue, spindly thin support that could not be trusted.

"I'll try my best."


With a folder full of homework and notes clutched tightly in her hand, Jewel shouldered her school bag as she stared holes into the grey apartment door in front of her.

Knock, knock

"Who's there?" came a squeaky voice behind the door.

"It's me, Jewel." The girl sighed as she waited for the door to open, but instead got a reply.

"Jewel who?"

"Agreste." Jewel's voice has a deadly hint of genocide within it, causing the person behind the door to emit out an annoying high pitched noise, whether it was a happy or scared sound, Jewel didn't care.

"Jeez, okay."

The locked door finally cracked open, releasing a toxic smell. Holding her nose, Jewel cringed as she stepped into the dirty flat, and looking around, she could not see anyone that had opened the door for her. She wasn't a superstitious person, but chills ran down her spine. "Hello?"

"HAIIIIIII!" A small kwami zipped up to Jewel's face, its body emitting a glowing hot light. "Oh, I recognize you! You're, um... Ruby! Or... Diamond! Or- " She cut the small creature off halfway, walking further into the dingy apartment, glancing at the dirty dishes piled up in the equally dirty sink. "I'm Jewel, I literally just told you, but close enough. Where's Star?" Holli zipped towards a door, light trailing behind her like- "Ugh, a comet's tail." Jewel muttered to herself, following the small beacon of light to the brown stained wood door.

Pushing it open, Jewel entered the surprisingly clean room.

"THE FU-???" Jewel screamed as she was pounced upon by small but extremely lithe girl. Her screams were cut short as the wind was knocked out of her, her chest feeling like it was caving inwards.

"Hey- you're not Star!" The small girl blew some of her bitter coffee colored hair away from her face, hazel eyes shot through with color changing threads that reflected the little light in the room. Bouncing up to a standing position, she grinned cheekily at Jewel before vaulting backwards onto a bed.

"Do you know Star? Where is she?" Jewel coughed a few more times before pushing herself onto her feet, swaying a bit as the blood rushed to her head.

For a seven year old, she really packs a punch.

"I'm fifteen, excuse me, and I take karate., so thanks!"

"Oops, sorry... Wait..........." Jewel stared at her, her eyes squinting at the small girl that smiled up at her.

Can you hear me?

"Yup!! Loud and clear, although it's more of me listening to you than you screaming in my head~" She stretched her legs on a ballet barre at the far right of the room, spreading into a split so swiftly, that she seemed like a professional ballerina. When did she get there? "Telepathy is pretty cool right?? Or is it more like mind reading? I never tried controlling stuff before!"

Jewel pressed her lips together. Everything seemed a bit more simple now. This... Girl with telepathy and Star with- WAIT

"Where's Star? I came here to check on her, wasn't she spouting out blood the last time?" Jewel curved her mind back on track; there wasn't a lot of time left, in her opinion.

"Oh, she decomposed!" Holli zipped out from a powder blue oil lamp sitting on the white wood study table at the corner. "Do you wanna check on her ashes?"


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