To Mirkwood

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Chapter 1

To Mirkwood

I am in the most uncomfortable position ever! I am crouching behind a rock just waiting for Bilbo to return! Everyone else was doing the same as me. Thorin was still trying to apologize for his mistake, but really, I do not matter to him. Me. His at the time fiancé does not have an opinion! Oh, he probably thinks he can just say with cute eyes 'I am sorry Adrianna! I still love you!' No, I am done with him! He can have any girl he wants, except me! You know what! I am going to get him back, I can believe I even felt such to one who did not even care! Grrrrr!

Once Bilbo finally returned after a million hours he scurried over to the group. Thorin managed to say something just as Bilbo opened his mouth to speak, "How close are the?"

"Too close," Bilbo replied.

"How far?" Thorin started to interrogate.

"Only a league or two," Bilbo answered back, "bu..."

He was cut off rudely by Thorin always wanting to talk and be the leader, "We must get to safety! We cannot stay here!"

"Just wait!" Bilbo whispered shouted, which caught everyone's attention, "There is something out there...not an Orc."

"What form did it take? Was it like a big bear?" Gandalf butted in.

"How did you know?" Bilbo replied.

"There's a house not too far from here," Gandalf informed.

"Well what the heck are we waiting for?" I spat, "Lets move!"

As fast as the words slipped out of my mouth the group was gone. I decided that there was no reason to wait for the slow leader so I just butted a head of him. As we went into the meadow I noticed that a big, no, that's not the right word to describe him how about... gargantuan! Yes he was gargantuan, he the scariest bear I had ever seen in my life. Then just ahead I noticed a little farm house and I called to the rest of the group, "There!"

"Ok, what we have to do I get in there and close the doors as fast as possible!" Gandalf ordered. The bear was gaining and gaining on us! Oh Valanar, please help us so we can all fight another day!

We got closer and closer and closer, we finally reached the doors but they were locked. Thorin and Gloin barged their way through not caring if they knocked someone down. They tried to unlock the door but it just wouldn't! Oh goodness! What are we going to do?

"Hey boys! I think this is a job for a woman!" Thorin gave me a 'just get back and be quiet' look, "What wrong? Do I not matter to you?" I pushed my was past that arrogant jerk and lifted the lever up, something I had learned to do when I was two. "Told ya!" I said to Thorin while hustling in and slamming the doors behind me. But this time I needed help so Thorin stood next to me and pushed.

"Adrianna!" Thorin said, "I am really sorry....can we still be friends?"

Really? I knew it! He was just going to suck up to me! Wow, he thinks he can just walk back here and just think that he didn't do anything! Oh and if you didn't notice my worst pet peeve is when someone doesn't think I matter! I snapped out of my train of thought and looked at him, with an evil eye and walked away.

"Who's house is this?" One of the Dwarves asked.

"That bear, he's our host," Gandalf replied. I looked at him in disbelief is was befuddled, bewildered, and just plain confused! "Find a place to sleep! We start early!" Gandalf instructed.


I wake up to the sweet smell of breakfast. I flutter my eyes open and look to see that the Dwarves and Gandalf were at the table and Bilbo was still in a peaceful slumber. I go over to sit at the table and see a man, or umm a giant man serving us.

"Hello, my name is Adrianna, I'm sorry Lady Adrianna daughter of Lady Andenessa," I said while curtsying.

"It is a pleasure My Lady, I knew your mother, she was a very nice and gentle woman. She tried to protect me and my family," Beorn replied, he was a shape-shifter. "Now I do not like Dwarves, they are greedy and don't care about other races, but you have the princess, and are against Orcs. So I will help you any way I can."

"Thank you, Beorn, we will always be in your debt," I said while bowing.

"No, you will have no debt, I am doing it just for you," He insisted.

We have saddled up on our Clydesdales (The strongest horse there is) and we were off.

************Once to the borders of Mirkwood***************************

We dismount our horses and Gandlaf orders, "Let them loose, let them go back to their master."

We I started to unhook the girth of the saddle when Gandalf yelled, "Wait leave one!"

"Your leaving us?!" I ask.

"Yes, if I did have to I would stay but it is urgent," Gandlaf said while mounting his horse, "And Lady Adrianna, make sure they do not get themselves into trouble, follow only the path. The forest will try to play tricks on the mind, it will try to leave you astray." With that he was off


Ok so it is finally up! Since it is taking forever for the movie to be up on iTunes I just went a head and wrote it (I use the movie as a guideline cause I am very forgetful! so if I missed some info please don't be too upset!) ! I also have a plan for the book YAY!

Le Hannon!

(Thank You)


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