Reason Number 30

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Never let the sadness of your past,

and the fear of your future

ruin the happiness of your present


"We are obviously two different people trying to make it work!" Lee complained as if my hospital room is the most convenient place where we can talk about love. Right obviously he seems to take my room as starbucks. "Dude, we're all different people striving hard just to make it work." He sighed, "It's a different kind of different."

I raised my eyebrows trying to give him the do-you-think-I-get-that look. "I think you're just scared that things are starting to get serious between you and Aya."

"Pfft. Why would that scare me?" he said vaguely waving his hand and with that gesture I knew I hit the right button.

"Because you don't usually get this far." I said pointing out the facts. Lee has never had a relationship this long.

"Dude, she recites the table of elements in my face." He complained.

"Literally?" I had to laugh because seriously Aya recites weird things to when she's asleep.


"Dude, you didn't see her when she's trying to help me with my grades in Physics. She puts post its on her forehead while we talk. She's annoying like that." I tried to explain things to him. To make him accept Aya's quirkiness.

"I know right, like when she sings something odd then you realize it's just some Taylor Swift song with lyrics from Chemistry or Physics or Advanced Calculus., he smiled.

"You love her." I told him.

"I guess I do." He just shrugged.

"So what are you waiting for?"

"A C minus?" I laughed, but he didn't. "Are you serious?"

"Ann, she's like a walking and talking google and I'm just someone who barely gets a D plus. I don't think I deserve her." He said looking ashamed of himself.

"Because she's smart?" I asked incredulously.

"Because she's that smart." He concluded. I sighed; relieved that Stan and I are within IQ levels.

"Lee, just because Aya's taking Advanced Calculus doesn't mean you don't deserve her."

"What about her parents then? What are their expectations?" I laughed, "Dude Tita Cel and Tito Cef are the best persons I know! They won't judge you base on your grades. Dude, they're professionals not some kid who thinks grades are more important than life."

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