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~The next day~

Sabine: Okay, focus. You're on the light side now. Don't use the dark. Focus pn anything that makes you happy.

Ezra: Like hurting people?

Sabine: Uh, no. More like lothcats playing with you in the open fields. Just focus on the good things.

Ezra: I'm trying. It's hard when you say to focus.

Sabine: Let's stop for now. Because there is no try.

Ezra: You're right. How about we go on a break or a date?

Sabine: You asking me out?

Ezra: Yes, girlfriend?

Sabine: Boyfriend.

Ezra: Wait, really?

Sabine: Yes. Ezra, I can see you're a good boy deep inside.

Ezra: Yeah. Now, where should we go?

Sabine: Now? I have to get back home. Let's go. Come with me.

Ezra: Are you sure your crew will accept me?

Sabine: I talked to them about you after the mission. They said that if you wanted to join us one day, you're welcome in.

Ezra: I'm not sure.

Sabine: Come on. You can have a family and Kanan...Kanan can train you. You can be his apprentice too.

Ezra: I can become a jedi? I always wanted to be a jedi.

Sabine: Then lets got. I'm not waiting one more second.

~At the ghost~

Hera: She better be back soon. She didn't come back yesterday. I'm really worried.

Kanan: I bet she's fine. She has the darksaber and the force to help her. Plus, she's a warrior. She can handle anything.

Hera: You're right.

Sabine: I'm home.

Hera: Good thing you're okay. I was so worried.

Sabine: I'm fine. And remember the boy I told you about?

Kanan: The one that helped you out of the academy?

Hera: The one you love?

Ezra: What?

Hera: What was that?

Sabine: I saw him again. He's here.

Hera: What?

Kanan: There's a Sith here?

Sabine: Ezra, come in.

Ezra: Hello.

Sabine: This is Ezra, my boyfriend. He escaped the academy just for me. He wants to join us.

Kanan: He's a Sith. He can't be here.

Ezra: I told you.

Sabine: Kanan, he wants to become your apprentice. He wants to be a jedi.

Ezra: Yes. Help me. I want to destroy the empire for taking my friends and family. I should have never joined them in the first place.

Sabine: Can he stay, please?

Hera: I say we give him a shot.

Ezra: You're going to kill me?!

Hera: No. We want to give you a chance. If Sabine believes in him, I do too.

Sabine: Please Kanan? Give him a chance. I've seen the light inside him. He changed.

Ezra: Please...Master Kanan is it? I promise to do my best. Well, as long as I train with Sabine of course.

Kanan: One chance or he's out.

Ezra: Thank you. I promise I won't disappoint you.

Sabine: Now that everything is settled, how about that date Ezra?

Ezra: Now?

Sabine: Yes.

Ezra: Off the the city.

~After they kids leave~

Hera: What's going on Kanan?

Kanan: Something just seems off about him.

Hera: What? Ezra? He seems like a good kid. He'll be a good a student and soon, a great jedi.

Kanan: It's not that. I just don't think we can trust him. Why would he quit the empire?

Hera: To be and stay with Sabine.

Kanan: He'll try to make Sabine turn to the dark side.

Hera: Give him a chance. He'll be great. Plus, if he quit for Sabine, then he must really love her.

Kanan: And what if he doesn't?

Hera: I've heard that love is more powerful than anything the force tries to do. The force will help him. It's giving him an opportunity to change,  just like you. You were a great teacher to Sabine, now you have a new apprentice. Don't freak out.

Kanan: I hope your right, because if this goes wrong, we're building the end of the jedi and the galaxy as we know it.

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