That Fang Called Love [boyxboy] [12]

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Angrily I slammed the door, I couldn’t have the townsfolk all learning to resist my compulsion that would not be good at all. I turned from the door and managed to walk into the kitchen, when the bell rung again. Thinking it was my maker I ignored it, but the person was persistent. I let my hearing range out and I heard a familiar heart pumping.

I leapt up and raced to the door a smile on my face, I knew he’d come around eventually. I pulled open the door and Ezra stood there a grim expression on his face.

“Hello babe” I said grinning at him.

“Hello Ashton”

“I wasn’t expecting you to come see me, it’s a nice surprise either way. Reminds me of old times, when you used to come round…”

His face remained hard, and I tilted my head to the side, it seemed like my Ezra has grown up since we last spent any valuable time together.

“Yeah that’s why I’m here I want answers”

I stepped out the way and he walked into the house, he headed straight for my room. It was odd how a year later we were in the same place but our relationship had changed so drastically. I felt bad for leaving Ezra, but at the time I felt like I had to, that’s what he said I had to do. But he hadn’t followed through himself.

Ezra plonked himself down in the middle of my bed; I sat in the chair not to make things uncomfortable for him. His expression remained blank and it bugged me slightly, I’d always been able to read him so easily, he’d changed so much.

“So what do you want to know?”

“Why you left me and never called?”

I took a deep breath, my eyes never leaving his face. I could see how and why Javen was so attached; Ezra really was something amazing to look at.

“I don’t have a straight answer for that, I went abroad to study and I never called because it was too hard to hear your voice and not come back” I lied as tears filled up in his eyes, and I looked around mortified.

“Yet it was so easy for you to leave me in the first place?” he croaked, trying to swallow back tears, his eyelids blinking rapidly.

“It wasn’t easy it was far from easy, you think I enjoyed leaving you, I had to leave!”

“WHY! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO AND LEAVE ME? I looked for you everywhere, I called, I went to your house. I put up flyers. I thought you were dead Ashton. It has been sitting on my heart and weighing me down”

“Babe, I’m-“

“NO. You don’t get to call me that!”

“Ezra. I’m sorry I didn’t think my disappearance would bother you so much”

His expression went blank and the stare he gave me left a hollow feeling in my chest. I watched as he looked at me with a mixture of disgust, disbelief and sadness. The tears stopped rolling down his face and his eyes widened.

“You doubted my feelings for you?” he breathed “Ashton. I told you I loved you, you are the first and only person who I’ve said that too. How could you think you meant nothing to me?”

“I dunno, I guess I judged it on my own feelings and you know stuff…”

 “You told me you loved me, was that a lie?”

I stood up and went and sat next to him on the bed, I held his hand, and spoke my first sincere words since making myself known. “Ezra, listen to me and listen to me good. I loved you, I love you with all my heart, and with whatever I have left which is worth something. I stayed away to protect you, and I will stay to protect you. I’m sorry”

That Fang Called Love [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now