Her laughter rang in the small white room, surrounded by the similar sounds coming from those around her. The reflection of Lena shone on her shining blue eyes, the figure of a cheerful British who couldn't seem to stop himself from moving her petite body around even in the confines of the hospital room.

Her eyes slid over to the broad gorilla at her bedside who had long ago stopped perusing over the clipboard. He had taken his glasses off and had been cleaning it with the small handkerchief, placing it back over his eyes in time to meeting her eyes with a smile.

The last figure that her gaze settled on was the large man that was laughing heartily enough to probably wake up coma patients in the next three hospitals combined. Each brought her a memory that made her smile gently inwardly, her expression cheerful as the other members poked fun at each other and jest without care.

Her smile dipped for a moment, recovering before the others noticed, as her eyes sought out for a presence that was strangely lacking. After a moment as the laughter settled a bit before inevitably moving to be restarted once someone picked the right time to make a witty remark, Angela spoke up with a light tone in her voice. "Did Genji leave?"

The others blinked and glanced around before chuckling with a smile on their face. Lena walked by her side and tapped her lightly on the arm in a teasing manner as she said, "Come on Angie, you know how he is. The ninja man comes and goes without anyone noticing. Isn't it usually your job to notice it when he does and tell us?"

The other two nodded and chuckled, looking at each other and adding their own little comments to it. Angela blinked twice in confusion, asking gently with a voice that held innocence and genuine curiosity. "Genji? What do you mean I usually notice him? Is there something that I'm missing ...?"

That created a shocked silence in the room between the members of Overwatch who were there. It was a silence that was much more pronounced than the first that she had experienced earlier with Genji, she immediately recognized the exact same feeling. It was a feeling that she now identified as shock, disbelief, and confusion.

"Angela ... You don't remember Genji?" Winston was the first to speak up in a gentle tone. They all gazed at her as she slowly shook her head, the golden strands of her neatly tied hair waving behind her.

That made the other members glance down at their feet in thought. It was clear that this was an unexpected situation, quite uncomfortably so for all of them. Even Lena was now standing awkwardly still, glancing at the other members as if she did not know what to say that would brighten the mood like how she normally always does.

"I suppose that considering my injury ... I couldn't have escaped death completely unscathed." Angela said quietly, her gaze settling down at her hands which laid gently on her lap as she had been on the bed for the past few days. She did not know what happened but she was alive. Alive, but now with something missing.

She could feel it now, the difference between when he had been here and when they were all here. They were both comforting, but something about the cyborg's gaze made her feel so calm and tranquil as if she was under the wing of a vigilant guardian who would never leave her side.

At that moment, she felt gazes of concern as well, though it felt completely different. They were not accusatory gazes, of course, she knew they did not mean harm to her or blame her for anything. If anything, she knew that they were probably being too harsh on themselves in this situation.

As such, she gave them a gentle smile. "Though I'm not sure what I have forgotten, I'll make sure to learn them all again. If I could get close to him once, I'm sure that it wouldn't be a problem for the second time. After all, I do have all your support."

The others nodded and returned her smile in kind, looking a bit less tense than before. "Right! We'll of course be here for you like always love~" The once again cheerful Lena embraced Angela, bringing out a giggle from her as she gazed at the expression of the other two members.

"It's good to see you healthy again Angela. You're very important to us after all." The booming yet strangely gentle sound of Reinhardt's voice matched the strong body of the retired man, a message which Angela gladly received with a nod and a beaming smile. The two males still had a smile on their face, but behind their expression laid thoughts that she probably would not learn from them at the moment.

Perhaps ... in due time.

Soon enough, they excused themselves and left her to rest once more. While it was good to see her again, there was always more work to be done. As a member of Overwatch herself, Angela knew just as much. Even if she was not going to be Mercy for a while longer, Lena must continue to be the ever-swift scout Tracer and Winston must continue being the charismatic intelligence leader for their reformed team. As such, she waved to them goodbye and watched as they walked to the door in a line.

Reinhardt, the man who held the door for the others and the last to leave, paused before closing the door. In a soft tone, the gentle giant answered her previously unspoken question.

"Angela, regarding your past with Genji, I believe it's best that he tell you himself. I hope that it all goes well."

Angela nodded, smiling and giving him a small wave as he finally left, the door shutting silently behind him. She let out a soft sigh, sinking down onto the bed again as she gazed up at the blank ceiling. It was like her mind, much like the room itself. Filled with objects, flowers, and concerns, yet at the same time feeling so empty and lacking in some way.

As she nodded off to sleep, the blanket embracing her again, Angela glanced to her side at the chair that sat by her head. She pursed her lips as her vision slowly dimmed, her eyelids shutting and blurring her sight.

Just who was this Genji that she had so carelessly forgotten? And why did she just see him in her mind, sitting in that chair as if he was naturally meant to belong there with her right then? A chair that was now so empty, as if suddenly lacking an occupant for the first time since she had arrived here.

She had a lot of homework to do. For that moment though, she'll simply rest. Even if it meant drifting off into a dreamless sleep without the comforting presence of her guardian angel for the first time since she fell onto that cold concrete ground.

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