Mentally facepalm and physical facepalm. Did I, just say that and sent it. Why do I have to be so awkward and weird?

BookerBooker: *quirks an eyebrow* And how am I doing that?

I huffed puffing out my heated cheeks. Am I the only one getting these weird feelings? That's not fair if that's true.

CyberGeek: Gaaah nevermind

BookerBooker: :( did I make you upset?

Aww noooo. The frown it's making me sad. And some reason my heart flip-flopping like the usual weird thing it does.

CyberGeek: Nooo :( it's just me, don't worry about it

BookerBooker: When you say don't worry about it I'm automatically going to worry.

I huffed grumbling to myself. He has to be complicated. What am I suppose to say?

CyberGeek: It's nothing, I promise.

BookerBooker: *quirks an eyebrow* Hmm okay *wraps my pinkie around yours*

My hands began to tingle. I bet my face was completely red now. But I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face. I hummed softly smiling as I typed.

CyberGeek: *smiles and squeezes gently*

BookerBooker: *squeezes back* You still been keeping my secret?

CyberGeek: *huffs pouting* Of course, do you doubt me?

BookerBooker: Lol no, just making sure

CyberGeek: Is it weird that lol annoys me slightly?

BookerBooker: Lo- How come?

CyberGeek: I don't know, why can't you just laugh or giggle like I do

BookerBooker: Oooh I see, this question is actually pointed directly to me

CyberGeek: Nooooo, no it's not I was setting an example

I pouted then frowned. Ugh, I always mess up somehow. I groaned rolling around a bit in my bed.

BookerBooker: *laughs* I was joking....can't do it. This is weird lol

CyberGeek: You're weird

BookerBooker: No, *laughs* is weird lol

CyberGeek: Your face is weird

Good one Oakely. Good, come back. I mentally facepalmed.

BookerBooker: Omg lol, one that is rude. Two you've never seen my face.

CyberGeek: Yeah but I want to

I typed what was on my mind. I didn't think anything of it until I realized what I typed. But it was too late. I had already sent it. My face heated up and I began to freak out.

BookerBooker: Umm.I don't know

My heart slightly dropped. I weirded him out, didn't I..... I didn't mean to do that.

CyberGeek: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make things awkward or weird.

BookerBooker: It's okay

He said it was. And maybe he meant it. But it wasn't okay for me.

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