Chapter 6

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After Liv and I talked for about 30 minutes, I got out of my bed and tried to find my way back to my dorm. I found Niall sitting outside Liv's dorm room door and he brought me back to my room. It took a while since it's like my first day, but Niall helped me, a lot. I probably looked homeless with my rats nest hair and no shoes on my feet. But at least I was wearing clothes, unlike most of the girls in this section.


When Niall and I got to my door, I hugged him good bye and took a deep breath before turning the wooden door knob. And Niall was right. Everything was cleaned up. All I saw was Perrie sitting on her bed, not talking, not doing anything. Just sitting.

"Hey," I tried to say but it came out a whisper. Perrie's head turned slightly and she smiled.

"Hi," she whispered back.

I climbed up on my bed turning to face her. "So, how ya doin?" I asked and all she did was nod. "You know what we should do!" I said excitedly and Perrie turned her whole body to face me.

"What?" She asked just as much enthusiasm as this morning.

"We should play one of those sleepover games." She looked at me confused. "Like, never have I ever, or truth or dare, or dare or dare, or truth or truth." I explained.

Perrie nodded excitedly and came over to my bed as we sat cross-legged from each other.

"Let's play truth or truth, to get to know each other better." Perrie said smiling. I smiled back and glad that everything was cool between us again.

"You first!"

"Okay," Perrie thought for a minute then smiled. "Are you a virgin?"

My cheeks flushed pink. I never thought it was a big deal. I was going to save it for after marriage. I nodded my head slowly and looked down.

"Oh!" Perrie said. "I thought some one like you would've probably had it but, oh." This got very awkward. "It's ok."


"Liv's still one too, even though she tells everyone she has had it with Niall, and he doesn't protest." Perrie said leaning in close as if there was a mob in here out for our secrets. "It's kind of a thing they have."

"Oh, well, my turn." I said, "are you?"

"Hmm?" Perrie asked confused."

"Are you a virgin?" I repeated a little louder.

Perrie shook her head slightly, then nodded. "Yea..." I was genuinely shocked. I thought Zayn would've... done something, but I would've never guessed.

"Oh." Is all I said.

"So," Perrie said changing the subject and lowering her eyelids. "Who do you fancy here..?"

I gulped and I knew she was talking about Zayn. I have a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend. I repeated in my mind.

"Uh, no one actually. Cuz I have a boyfriend." I answered quickly.

"Oh, I know. And I have a test on Tuesday." Perrie said winking.


"I thought we were naming things that we could cheat on." My eyes widened, thinking that she was using a pick up line on me. "No but really. I've seen you look at Zayn before."

"But he's your boyfriend..." I said awkwardly. "You don't care that I like him? Not even the tiniest bit?"

"Oh, no. Not at all. Our relationships don't even last that long. When ever he gets with me he just wants to get someone jealous." Perrie leaned in a little closer, whispering. "And between you and me, I think he's trying to get at you." And she winked.

My eyes widened and I backed away a little bit. "He likes me?" I asked. Perrie nodded.

"I never thought-," I started but all of a sudden the door burst open. There stood about 4 guys and 3 girls, including some that I met earlier. Do we even lock that thing?

"Yo!" Liv said among the group, waltzing in going straight to the mini fridge.

"Well, hello to you too," Perrie said sarcastically getting up to go great the people that just raided our room. Out of the group I remembered like four names. There was Harry, Liv (of course), Niall, and Luke.

One of the guys, of the group I didn't remember their names, came up to me and slung his arm around my shoulder. He was obviously wasted and wanted to get a piece of this action.

"Baaabbbbeeeee," he slured. I pushed him away slightly but he hung on. "How about you, me, my place tonight?"

I shrugged of his arm and pushed him away more forcefully. Another girl that I didn't Romberg came over and pulled on his arm for him to get away. Thank you, Jesus!

"C'mon, Ash." She coaxed, "you need some rest." The girl looked nice. She was very pretty, and didn't have that any tattoos or piercings, that I could see. The girl smiled apologetic at me and I returned it with a smile, too.

"Hi, I'm Noelle." She said sticking her hand out for my to shake it. I took it and smiled again.

"I'm McKenna." Her mouth suddenly made the 'O' shape.

"You're the girl Liv and Niall have always been talking about!" She exclaimed with Liv turning he head slightly at the sound of her name.

"You know Liv?" I asked suddenly very confused. Noelle just rolled head back in laughter. I was even more confused and slightly embarrassed.

"Well, I better know her! She is my sister!" Noelle said emphasizing the 'is'. "Well I better go. I got to get Ashton back to his room." And she dragged Ashton out of the room by his hand and down the hall.

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