Chapter 1: Peek

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"Tae, stop" I laughed at the funny face that he was making.

"What? I'm just walking you to your dorm," he tried to seem innocent but he wasn't at the moment. He's lucky that he's my best friend at least when that kid isn't around.

"Well if it isn't Y/N"

I rolled my eyes and made it visible for Tae to see. He placed his hand on my back to comfort me.

"Speaking of the devil," I said under my breath.

"Tae, we're going to meet at Jin-Hyung's place," Jungkook pointed towards the boy's dorm.

"Cool, what are you guys doing?"

He was silent at first before giving a smirk at Tae.


"Alright, see you later Y/N!" Tae walked away from my side.


He gave me a smile and mouthed 'sorry' to me.

"You can come too if you want," Jungkook offered but he knew that I would reject it.


"K. Bye"

I stuck out my bottom lip and walked to my dorm.

"Eunjung, why are you sleeping on my bed again?" I shook the side of the bed playfully. This was our relationship.

"Your bed is better," She rolled off lazily and fell to the ground.

"Ahhh, dang it Y/N!"

I laughed and helped her up.

"How was it with Tae?" she stood and plopped on her bed.

"It was okay. He left me for that kid" She knew who I meant already.

"Stop. You know Jungkook isn't that bad right?"

"You're only saying that because you think he's cute"

"But he is." She smiled and I cringed internally.

"He just teases people"

"No. He roasts almost every person in school."

"Not me," She shrugged.

"That's because of Jimin. Jimin won't let anyone make fun of you."

"Ugh, Stop."

"For goodness sake, why don't you like Jimin? He's..." I wiggled my eyebrows not needing to finish my sentence.


"Okay then. Then leave me alone." I sat in my bed and looked through my phone.

"Why did Tae leave you?"

"The seven are hanging out."

"OH!" She sat up from her bed.

"I was invited but I'd rather not. You know the rules about girls going into the boy's dor--"

I was caught off guard by her facial expression. I knew her so well that I could tell that she was thinking of a ridiculous thing to do.

"Can we just peek to see what they're doing?"

"Eunjung, no. How are you even planning this in your head?"


"Y/N! Move over more. I can't see. Can't you jump?"

"Just in case you didn't know, you're really heavy."

'Why did I even say yes to this? It's so hard to say no to her,' I thought to myself struggling to lift her up high enough to look through their room.

"This is defiance of privacy," I internally face palmed.

"It's so hot in h---"

Eunjung froze and I could tell at the time that it was because of the sound of an opening window.

"Yah! Eunjung, what are you doing?" It was a whispered shout from Tae.

I let down Eunjung and backed up enough for Tae to see me motioning for him to be quiet. He returned a gesture to me telling me to run quickly. Just as we moved our foot slightly to leave, Tae was moved to the side and was replaced by another figure.

It placed it's arm on the window seal and rested it's chin on the palm of it's hand while gazing down at me. He smirked at me warning him to stay quiet. It was obvious that he had found it amusing. I took my first step and started to walk away along with Eunjung.

"AHH! Pervert!"

My Savage Boyfriend  》 ||Jjk||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz