
This was what made me seem like a stocked up bitch on her high horse?

Me being a god damn good friend and person in general?

"And you always help people. Makes me believe you do it out of pity. And I do not respect that shit."

"What do you mean?" I snapped, feeling just the fuse being lightened.

"You don't think I know about your nightly sessions online?" Angie chuckled, the sound of it sending shivers down my spine.

"The way you 'help' people with their problems? The way you give them a good advice? Oh come on, you do know you're called the Mr. Phil of Chamston?"

My shoulders slumped as I remembered the past. "That's months ago."

"But people still come to you, no?"

I didn't answer.

"Exactly. You're not only Dr. Phil, but a royalty at that as well. But don't worry, that's not necessary a bad thing. I just feel bad for you."

"Oh really," I muttered, sinking down my seat as I felt the invisible weights lower me down.

I have never been this confused in my entire life. Not even when Nove told me he turned bi on his drunken hazes of Friday nights. A gay boy turning bi when alcohol sets in.

That's confusing.

But this is so fucking confusing, Bill Gates wouldn't understand either.

"You know why I feel bad for you?"

"I'm pretty sure you'd tell me."

"Nope, not if you don't want me to."


The door opened and the belated teacher, Mr Arlong slash Teaser, came strolling in. He gave us his usual smile that blended the two other girls to their bones.

He was good looking, you gotta give him that.

Angie turned to me so she could give me one last mocking smile, then she turned to the board and we went silent.

There were no taking allowed.

Only sitting in silence, not doing shit but thinking.

And I was fine with that. I had a lot to think about anyway.

What Angie was telling me couldn't possibly be the reason to why Awlon calls me a princess as well? He doesn't know me as that, not like Angie whom have been here since I started. Who I have talked to, laughed with and all. Before she changed, that is.

She also knew about my 'sessions' as she called out. It sounds stupid when told like that, but its true.

People do come to me with problems now and then. Whether we know each other quite well or not. I consider them my friends, and they consider me as one as well.

So it started out like this. On Facebook (Everything starts at Facebook.) there was one girl with major boyfriend issues. A knot on the tie and all.

So from there on, after I helped her tot he best of my ability, her friend started talking to me.

And then it just spread.

Apparently I'm a good listener and I seem to care. Not like their 'fake friends', but as a true friend down to the core.

And I was so flattered, I believed I could help the world.

So I accepted anyone who had any kind of problems. From decision on their nail polish to their stepfather being a perv.

I enjoyed helping. Heck, even loved it. It was tiring, what with so many having it so tough, but at the end it was worth it.

It made me feel a good person. I strived to be a good person, as well.

So sure, I do help. Maybe too much. Maybe even care a bit over the line.

But they needed me. What was I going to do, ignore their cries of help online?

They even come to me in person. For heavens sake, last year's seniors came to me personally as well.

How the hell does that make me a bad person? And I do not do out of pity, as Angie had mentioned. Not at all.

So to hell with her to even think that what I did, and sometimes still do, is a bad thing.

I get a better person by it. So be it.

Though I couldn't help myself step back and think from another box.

Was I overdoing it? Was the Good Samaritan act being mocked at?

I closed my eyes.

How does Zack fit into this? What'd he think?

I remembered his last words at the end of bio.

The question that was bothering me, was should I? Could I?

Dared I?

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