Chapter Eight

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I heard my mother call, and I left the wonderful book before me to eat. Though I was eager to know how Melanie would survive what with everyone not believing her that she was still present in her own body, except for one old man, but he loved his shotgun more than the idea of keeping her alive, I guess. (Author's Note: Guess which book it is!)

I traced my way to the dining room, or area, since it basically was in the living room as well. My father was seated, eating his kosher, while the other ate their shells and whatnot that was none kosher to him. Except for the chili pasta carbonara, it was pretty much a conservative meal.

I sat, grabbing a fork and knife, and the family ate in silence. We never usually talked, if it wasn't for important matters that kind of called life and death.

Dinner was holy, it seemed. It was shared in silence, the only sound was the gnawing of our teeth and the chatters of the forks meeting plate. Penny did make a few remarks about her day at school, but other than that, as silent as the inside of a grave.

Alex wasn't present today, as he had told me earlier he had a mini test coming up. He was quite the academic, compared to me that is. And it seemed that Penny had those traits too.

Wonder why I was the odd man out..

"Jacob, did you talk to Mina today?" My mom suddenly asked.

You should understand my surprise. My mother never brought up matters on the table as she loathed discussion and chatter when eating. And for her to ask my father about his secretary, right there and then, on the table, with audience, well it had to be a shitload of a good reason.

My father collected the salad into his mouth, and very steadily met my mother's eyes. He didn't seem affected as Penny and I. And yes, Penny did understand the surprise here.

She was quite smart for her age, I have to remind you.

"No, why?" Baba answered, chewing slower now and waiting patiently for whatever bomb my mother had to bring.

Mother Vieña pushed around something fish-like, shrugging.

"She mentioned something strange, is all." She continued, her voice not dropping a beat. "Forget it. It isn't a big deal."

"Fine." Baba responded, still collected and very zen about it.

I watched the exchange with widened eyes, but quickly composed myself as I didn't want my mother to shun me for gaping.

We proceeded eating, this time, no one said a single word.


August was becoming more like a bitch than lately, what with her trying to push me off the way, her strong wind like a kick ass sidekick, seriously making the simple gesture of walking a McGyver required ability.

Safe to say, I got to school more grumpy than ever. Not only had I missed the bus, (Which I only took since I was a lazy prick, taking in the fact my house was not twenty minutes away.) but I also had to basically fight for my pride as I made my way to the school grounds.

I was little. Really small compared to the curvy bitches that was always around, showing off their beloved fat. And believe me, I really do want a bit of fat. I wasn't slim. I was skinny. Some bones covered by flesh. A few fat plumps here and there, which I could only honor the thousand maccies for. (I am definitely lovin' it.)

Which is why my forty and something kilogram of weight was really struggling. Because if mother England wanted wind, she would give some fucking wind and more to that, just to rub on your sore wound.

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