"I'm Pamela," said the curly haired girl.

"And I'm Wish!" said the blonde girl.

"We're first years!" They squealed together.

Viola held back a groan. Of course they had to be in her year!

The two girls began babbling their tale, without invitation, about how they had accidentally died the Ravenclaw boys hair purple after he told them off for giggling too loud. In the middle of the story, Wish suddenly jumped up on the sea, and started screaming while she pointed at the ground. Pamela started screaming too. Viola looked down and saw that her snake, Monty, had escaped from her animal cage. Viola quickly picked up the snake and hid him away before either of the girls could do anything to hurt him.

"Is that thing yours?" Wish screamed in horror.

"Yes, and this thing is a snake," replied Viola cooly.

After the two girls had calmed down, they resumed their obnoxious giggling. Viola wasn't sure which she opreferred, the screaming or the giggling.

"They're a bit irritating aren't they?" Hermione whispered to Viola.

And as annoying as Viola found Hermione herself, these girls were ten times more so.


Viola couldn't be more relieved when they finally reached the station. Pamela and Wish had decided to take up permanent residence in their compartment and the only break from them Viola got was when they went to change in their robes, after Hermione told them they should do so. Sadly Ginny went along with them. But Viola's annoyance disappeared when she stepped off the train and found her self only a boat ride away from Hogwarts. The girl looked around at the tiny, dark platform. She shivered slightly in the cold night air.

A lamp came bobbing over the heads of students and a large, gruff voice called. "Firs' years! Firs' years over here!"

Viola's eyes widened as a huge man squeezed his way through the sea of students. He had a bushy, black beard and was carrying the lantern.

"It's Hagrid! He's even bigger than I imagined!" said Ginny, appearing at Viola's side.

"Firs' years follow me!" Hagrid called again.

"C'mon," said Ginny.

The two girls followed Hagrid, along with all the other first years. They slipped and stumbled down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path. No one said much, except for Wish and Pamela who were squealing about how scary the whole thing was. It could be considered rather frightening; the dark, the trees around them and an uncertain path before them with only the yellow light of a lamp
to guide them. Viola only found it very exciting.

"Yeh'll get'ter see Hogwarts any sec now," called Hagrid.

They turned a corner. Gasps and squeals of excitement- from Wish and Romilda- were released.

The path had opened onto the edge of s huge, black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side was a huge castle. The warm light streaming through the many windows was reflected in the dark water. Viola felt her heart swell. Finally she was here. Finally she could forget her past and learn what it was like to be happy.

"No more'n four ter a boat," said Hagrid. He pointed to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water close to the shore.

"Y-you mean we're going across the lake?" someone squealed in horror.

Viola didn't have to look around to know it was Wish.

"Well yeah," said Hagrid frowning. "It's tradition innit?"

"B-but, isn't there a giant squid in there?" Pamela asked.

Hagrid chuckled.

"Yeah, but 'e innit gonna hurt yeh, climb on in!"

Ginny was one of the first people to head toward the boats. In her eagerness to follow, Viola stumbled over someone's foot.

"Sorry," she muttered, but kept going.

She was just nearing the edge of the water, when she felt a shove behind her. Viola let out a small yelp as she toppled towards the pitch black water.

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