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Mates.. the definition of soul mates. A person you can't live without.... No matter what. Legends say werewolves are the only ones with them, but thats not true.

Vampire mates are quite rare because vampires do not normaly mingle with others. So now you find my surprise when I realize I had one.

"Father I don't want to go with them" I pleaded and begged, pulling on his black, goth jacket. Mates have to go and live with each other once their love is discovered. It's not fair, but normaly the female goes under the males wing.

"I am not the person you should be talking to about this" My father responded in a shivery tone. Count Dracula is all about 'old triditions'.

My dad was motioning towards the door. I turned around and stormed to my room. I can't... I can't be comitted. I slammed the door to my room and calasped onto my bed. Reaching for a pillow to cry on, I grasped a cold still object. With curiosity I sat up to see 'him' sitting at the foot of my bed.

That's strange, He was examing my bed, with its red lace and black polka dots it seemed as though I was sitting on a ladybug. He stared in amasement as if he's never seen a bed before.

"Peliculiar..." I heard him say under his breathe. "what is this?" We finally met eyes. Slowly.... His red eyes stared into mine. Intensly. As though I was some sort of indefined creature before him. 

I decided to speak up "A bed..." I said hesitantly 

"What does it do?"

"I....I sleep on it" I was confused, what person in their right mind does not know what a bed is? "Don't you have one?"

"Coffin..." He said, slightly shrugging under his breath. "So" He countined "You don't want me?" He said letting signs of being slightly hurt in his voice.

"Wait, how did you know that..." I started before he interrupted " I have powers I can read minds". Minds? Does he know what i'm thinking?

"In fact I do?"

"Oh" I said dum-founded before starting up again."Anyways... No I didn't say I didn't want you I just said I don't know you and Im not ready for a relationship."

"Oh, That's easy, We can get to each other and move after you get your powers!"

"Pow-" I was about to countine when a strong smell of dog hit me sensitive nose.

All of sudden I heard a loud bark "Where are the Quadruplet biters" At that moment I ran downstairs allowing my 'Mate' to follow. Then I realized our birthday is tommorow.

Thirteen Year old DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now