
They rode on the same horse which required Clarke to have her arms around Bellamy's torso. Neither really minded. If anything, they both were glad.

They rode up on a hill where were  blankets and a picnic. Clarke got off the horse and walked up. Lanterns sat around, lighting the area.
"Told you I was going to take you to a picnic under the stars." Bellamy whispered in her ear, making her shiver. They went and sat together. Clarke felt her heart flutter at his accidental touches and smirks in her direction. He made her feel a way she never felt before.

They laid down together and looked at the stars.
"And see, that's Orion." Bellamy pointed out the constellation. Clarke giggled. "What?" He grinned.
"Just the fact you know this is cute." She let slip.
"Cute?" He grinned wider.
"Don't make me regret saying that." She warned.
"I've never been called cute before. Hot or delicious a couple times but-"
"Shut up." Clarke laughed. He laid there for a moment then sat up.
"Princess... can I tell you something?"
"Sure." She sat up with him. He took a breath.
"This isn't just some secret... this... this is hard for me to say." He said. Clarke staightened up and took his hands.
"You can tell me." She promised. Bellamy stared at her, afraid this was the last time she'd look at him with that much care. According to Octavia, he broke her heart. Why would she accept him? Why would she give her heart to him after that? What if she thinks he's joking? What if she thinks it's all Octavia's idea or that he just felt sorry for her? Bellamy thought about all the possibilities but forced himself to breathe.
"I..." He felt his voice falter but she kept her eyes staring into his. "I'm in love with you." He stated. For a minute, neither one moved. Bellamy felt his heart pound. His throat dry.
"You love me?" Clarke spoke.
"Yes." Bellamy immediately nodded. "I'm know I didn't act like it but I did genuinely think you didn't like me." He explained.
"I tried to kiss you." She shook her head in disbelief.
"I know. I thought you only did that because you felt bad for me."
"I don't!" She insisted with an angered look.
"I know! That's why I'm telling you this. Because you don't do things just because you feel sorry for people. You wanted to kiss me." He said.
"You rejected me!"
"No! I was scared! I was scared, Clarke!" He tried. Clarke stopped. He said her name.
"I said I was scared, Clarke." He gave her a pleading look. Her heart softened.
"Clarke?" She said her name, making sure she heard him right.
"Yes. You. Clarke... I am in love with you, Clarke." He said. Clarke couldn't help it. It was all she wanted to hear.
"I love you too." She smiled. He chuckled happily. Bellamy put a hand on her face before leaning in and kissing her lips. It was a light kiss. Almost a peck. But he didn't want to ruin the intamacy of it. The emotion behind it. Clarke could barely breath. She fell in love with him. She felt a need to let him know as many times as she could. "I love you, Bellamy." She whispered. He kissed her again, a little harder. Then the kiss deepened. They started breathing heavy. Clarke put her arms around him. He started rubbing her back and outer thigh. She guided his hand that was on her thigh up to her lower back, then down to her butt. She let out a small moan against his lips which only made him start to kiss her neck lightly. He laid her down and continued to kiss her while she ran her fingers through his hair. He started sucking on the crook of her neck which is when she moaned, "Bellamy." He let out a small moan of his own before pulling away to look at her.
"We... need to stop." He chuckled. She smiled.
"Or we could not." She suggests.
"Don't tempt me, Princess." He got up. She sat up with him.
"I thought that was my job."
"No. You're supposed to be the voice of logic." He joked.


They went back to the castle shortly after. Bellamy still wanted to walk Clarke to her room so they walked down the hall.
"So, Clarke, was your first kiss everything you dreamed?" He asked.
"And more." Clarke smiled. "I can't believe what I've been missing out on."
"Well you won't be missing out as long as I'm around." Bellamy promised.
"Makes me wonder what else I'm missing out on, though." She hints.
"Don't even think about it." He warned.
"You can't tell me what to do." She giggled.
"I can't believe you still tell me that."
"It's still true." She smiled. He looked at her.
"I can tell you to kiss me."
"Doesn't mean I'll listen." She leans in and they kiss.
"You seem willing." He teased. She smiled against his lips. He deepened the kiss and it wasn't long before he walked her back into a table which he picked her up and set her on while they kissed. Bellamy kissed around her neck and upper chest. She let out a couple quick breathes which made their kisses more frantic and desperate. Bellamy held on to her upper legs to pull her closer to his waist. She moaned at his grip.
"Clarke..." Bellamy moaned before kissing her neck again.
"Bellamy..." she moaned back.
"If you're going to make me an aunt, please don't do it on my wall." Octavia interupted, making Bellamy practically jump away from Clarke.
"Hey, Octavia." He said awkwardly.
"I see whatever you did, worked." She motioned to a breathless Clarke. "Seriously though, you're not quiet." She complained. Octavia wore a white nightgown. Her hair was a mess and you could barely see her squinted eyes from the light of the lantern. All of the sudden, Linclon came out of her room with sleepy eyes.
"Octavia, what's... oh..." Lincoln saw Bellamy who was now looking at Octavia with raised eyebrows.
"I won't say anything if you won't." He offered.
"Fine... just stop doing it on my wall." She groaned and went back to bed with Linclon. Bellamy looked back at Clarke.
"We should probably go to bed too."
"We?" She grinned suggestively. He rolled his eyes.
"You know what I ment." He grinned. She got off the table and walked up to him.
"It's almost like you don't want to sleep with me."
"No... it's just that... my history with women isn't... the best and I don't want there to be a single doubt in your head about how I feel about you."
"So, what, you're not going to have sex?"
"If it means being with you for the rest of my life, I'll wait a few months." He nodded.
"I don't doubt you."
"Not yet. But say I become really busy after a couple months. We see eachother less and less. Suddenly, you're wondering how faithful I am."
"You sound experienced."
"I just don't want to repeat mistakes. I want you, Clarke. I love you."
"Are you sure?" She made a face and he laughed.
"You know, usually, the roles are reversed here." He joked.
"I'm special." She shrugged.
"Yes you are." He smiled and pecked her lips.

***So things got heated. 😂😂😂 it was interesting writing this but entertaining at the same time so I hope you enjoyed!

This one is a lot shorter than my other fic but I think I'll be wrapping it up soon so keep an eye out for my fic after season four is done cause I don't have to much to write beyond this. (Though, I will have at least two more.)

Again, I hope you all enjoyed. I love you and thanks for reading!


T-Rex aka Queen of Bellarke 👑 * * *

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