|17| This is How it Has to Be

Start from the beginning

Is she really going to...


Is our family falling apart?

Will any of us ever be happy again?


My eyes hurt and are swollen when I wake up.

My clothes from yesterday are still on so I'm assuming I accidentally fell asleep.

I walk downstairs wondering if dads still around.


I walk past the laundry room but all I find is a broken washer that looks like dad attempted to try to fix it.

The kitchen is also empty but I find a note on the table.

Went back to the hospital Lia. Can you stop by Parker's and pick up my clothes and bring them to the hospital later? Mia offered to wash our clothes for now and she said if you needed anything washed to just bring them by. See you later sweetheart.

My heart begins to beat fast at the mention of Parker.

I have to go to his house?


I feel as if I'm going to pass out.

Ring the doorbell.

Just.. ring.. it.

I slam my finger onto the button.

Ding. Dong.

Mia opens the door,"Aw my Lia's here!"

She hugs me and then gestures for me to come inside.

"Here let me take your clothes. Parker your girlfriends here! Be a gentleman and come down and say hi!"

I guess he hasn't told his mom.

I can see Parker's door open and my heart skips a beat.

I look away but can hear his footsteps as he walks down the stairs.

"Hey Lia", he says wrapping an arm around me.

"Hey Park", I say looking up at him.

He's still the same beautiful boy I was kissing a week ago but he looks upset.

He removes his arm from me.

"You two go upstairs and talk. I'll be down here doing Lia's laundry."

"Oh no", I say trying to find anyway possible to get out of being alone with Parker,"I can do my laundry-"

"No! No!" She says,"You and Parker haven't hung out in a while I'm sure you're dying to see each other. Go on! I insist."

Parker stuffs his hands into his pockets and turns around walking back up to his room.

I hesitantly follow.


Parker lies down on his bed and plays on his phone while I sit on his rolling chair.

About a week ago he wanted me to lie down with him and now he doesn't even want me to be in his house, let alone his room.

After about ten minutes of awkward silence he asks how's Ivanna doing.

"Not any better", I says softly.

My phone suddenly buzzes.

Ivanna: hey Idalia can you stop by my room sometime later I need to talk to you.

Me: yeah sure

Ivanna: Asap please

I look up and see Parker staring at me but he looks away.

"I gotta go", I say standing up.

"Wait", Parker says.

I turn around to see him sitting up on his bed.

Lay with me Lia.

"Never mind."

His words slightly crush me causing tears to build up in my eyes.

This is how it has to be now.

I turn around and walk down the stairs without another word.

"Oh Lia leaving already?"

I nod,"Ivanna wants to see me."

"Oh", she says folding some clothes,"Parker's not going with you?"

I look back up towards his room,"No he said he's kinda tired."

"Tired? All he's been doing is sleeping... oh well Lia tell Ivanna I said hi."

"Will do", I say walking out the door and next door to my house.

All he's been doing is sleeping..

I'm sorry Parker...

I wish you knew how sorry I was.


Hey guys! It's been a while.

Don't y'all just love Parker? Like yeah he's mad at Lia rn and it upsets me but I literally just love him sm I can't even be mad. He's cute.


But yeah..


~ Kvoreabvo ✌︎

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