•thirty three•

Start from the beginning

The two men co operating as I strolled over to Nate, watching as the darkness left on the sky tried to walk its way into the room.

"Come with me." My lips planned to instruct everyone as I slowly walked out the office.

I called everyone to the lift, waiting for them to be by my side. As the lift approached I got into it with Nate, Wanda, Pietro and Bucky.

The elevator starting to down when it finally reached level 18, the door automatically opened.

All of us met with an ecstatic Gunter, he seemed be out of his seat and slowly jogging towards me with the biggest smile I had ever seen.

"Well done you were so good, all of you." He stood directly in front of my as my head tilted up to drink in his presence.

His hands slowly wrapped around my body as I returned the favour, my head resting on his chest and my ears peeking up to his unsteady heartbeat.

"This is Gunter, he helped with the doors and shit." I casually introduced him to the other people in the room as I let go of him.

"I can't believe you actually did it!" He exclaimed.

"Yea well neither did I." I flashed a smile towards him "Listen, I need you to take Nate and erase all data of ARAE and me from every single hardware." I stressed. "He's the best agent in this organisation."

"Doable." I heard Nate.

"And I need you guys to hack into HYDRA again and remove all leads of our activities they have."

"That will take fucking forever." Nate's eyes rolled to the back of his brain.

"Well looks like your brains are gonna be the first to flop to the floor then." I shot him a sarcastic smile. "I need you three to stay with them and check on what they're doing." I then directed my lines towards Wanda, Bucky and Pietro.

They all cooperated, as my eyes were last to see them all jog onto their duties.

Felix, here I come. My body stood paralysed in front of the metal door, the room ahed now home to a captive man.

The awaiting doors were set loose, and my eyes now feasting over a trembling, screaming body that longed for freedom. I noticed as Afflon's eyes cornered to my fierce presence.

Strolling into the bloodied room once again, I noticed how my hands ached for torture.

Afllon's screams grew louder at every step of mine, casually strolling back over to Cho's workplace my eyes traveled across all the hazardous chemicals.

Once I was sure about my memory on all the chemicals present my body floated towards Afflon, who was quiet for a spilt second due to my sight. "Leave me go, please, I won't spill a word to anyone or ever come back into your life ever again." His pathetic voice greeted me.

I remained silent as my hands travelled to the pockets on my black jacket. Afflon watched in anticipation. "This will only hurt... a lot." I snickered.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME." Tears flowed down his face, like his eyes were the heavy clouds temselves.

"Second-in-command for more than ten years and you don't even know my main trait." I let out a hearty sigh while my once empty hand now returned with toothpicks. "Emotionless." I finished.

I could tell that my statement brought him more disturbance than the thoughts of his future moulded by me.

I moved over to face his feet, but Afflon was absent to my actions. In a quick motions I jabbed a toothpick right in the middle of his foot.

His eyes crushed close as he tightened his toes. A loud scream emitted from his mouth when I gave him no brake and shoved another to onto his heel.

His body moved forward as he was now trying to beat free from the containment. I watched as fresh blood tickled down his right foot, splashing onto the floor.

Now focusing on his left foot I jabbed another pick into his clean pinky toe, loud screams and ghastly panting was I could hear. Making it a challenge to grasp onto a louder scream each time. With my last pick, I made sure to leave an impact as I stabbed more than half of the wooden material into him.

I paused for ten seconds but Afllons panting never died down, my fingers grasped over to the inserted wooden item as I yanked it out, another tread of groans left his throat.

I felt myself getting to immersed into this bloody game as my senses perked up by every single shout and drop of blood that left Felix. My body currentley inched closer to his stomach. "Now Felix, I hope you're arms are ready."

"Please... please s-stop." The words that spilled out of his mouth were heavy and forced.

"Oh but I'm just getting started."

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