Nail Polish Colour Quiz

497 14 4


*For each color I have a season next to it. If it's summer where you live use the summer color (you'll see what I mean when you read the whole thing.)*

Would you rather...

It's snowing outside where would you be

A.) Sledding

B.) Drinking hot cocoa while checking your tumblr

C.) Outside taking selfies in the snow with your bestie

D.) Far away from the snow in Hawaii

You blew all your Christmas shopping money shopping for yourself on Black Friday. You would...

A.) Shovel peoples drive ways to earn more cash

B.) Beg your parents for more money

C.) Look for a job at the mall

D.) Make your family and friends cards explaining why you couldn't get them a gift

You lose your brand new iPhone!! What do you do..

A.) Tear your house apart looking for it

B.) Use the landline to call all your friends and see if they have seen it anywhere

C.) Explain to your parents you lost it and ask for help looking

D.) Make "Lost Phone" fliers

If you got mostly A's:

Winter: Blue

Spring: Green

Summer: Orange

Fall: Brown

If you got mostly B's:

Winter: Gold

Spring: Pink

Summer: Yellow

Fall: Red

If you got mostly C's:

Winter: Red

Spring: Light Blue

Summer: Pink

Fall: Gold

If you got mostly D's:

Winter: White

Spring: Orange

Summer: Green

Fall: Yellow

If you got a mixture:

Winter: Green

Spring: Yellow

Summer: Blue

Fall: White

Random girly adviceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora