how to know if guy likes you!!!!

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We've all heard about the sparkle in the eye and the magical smile and the rest of the clichés that claim to be guaranteed ways to find out if a guy likes you. But do these actually work? Well, yes and no. While some guys are forthright and may easily admit that they like a girl, some guys keep their feelings to themselves for quite some time before they make them known.

These guys however, do exhibit some telltale signs that they're interested in you. These signals, though not sure-shot ways of identifying if a guy likes you or not, will definitely provide you some hints in this direction. So girls, keep your eyes and minds open. If he's doing a majority of the things mentioned below, chances are he likes you, but is waiting for you to make the first move.

1. The guy will go out of his way to entertain you. He will want to make you laugh.

2. When in a group, he will try to grab your attention by cracking a joke or passing a silly comment.

3. He has to show how much importance your opinion has in his life, so he will ask for your opinion about every little thing, be it what tie to buy or what car.

4. If he has a problem, he will come to you for a solution, whether you may be able to help him or not.

5. One of the most common tactics (for lack of a better word) that he will employ to gain your attention is shower you with compliments. Whether you think they're true or not, you can be sure that if he likes you, it's a sincere one, no matter how offhand or random.

6. Some guys may even resort to being playful and tease the girl that they like. He may irritate you just so he can make it up to you by giving you something that you like (and they say women's minds work in devious ways).

7. He is himself when you are around, which means he is really comfortable with you.

8. He truly appreciates the good in you and subtly hints at the not-so-good.

9. He celebrates his achievements with you and comes to you for encouragement when he feels dejected.

10. He supports you and encourages you in every important task you undertake.

11. He shares his deepest desires and darkest fears with you.

Hii guys so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you think I missed some major tips comment down below.

Soo if you guys face any problems in your relationship or you just want to talk about something or want some fashion tips  text me. I reply to everyone. If you guys want me to  do some specific chapter feel free to comment down below.

QOTD: So how many of y'all watch AWKWARD?  

hey girlies so I hope my tips h

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