Red lipstick tips

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After you've selected a red lipstick to rock, you're probably asking yourself this question: How exactly do you rock it?

When it comes to wearing red lipstick it's best to keep the rest of your makeup simple. Bright eyeshadow and red lips can look a little retro whilst super dark smoky eyes can edge on goth. Whilst it's fine to wear red lips with whatever makeup combination you like, these are a few tips and tricks to try if you're a little bit shy.

◾Ensure your lips are well hydrated and flake-free. Try to avoid using a lip scrub as these can damage and dry out the lips.

◾Make sure you're wearing the right shade of lipstick for your skintone

◾Apply your red lipstick first, before any other makeup. This will allow you to see how much face and eye makeup you need.

◾Make sure you even out your skintone with a medium to full coverage foundation, any redness in the skin will clash with red lipstick.

◾Ditch the blush and opt for some bronzer & contouring instead to avoid your makeup "clashing"

◾Avoid extravagant eyeshadow and stick with neutral tones

◾Make sure your brows are shaped into place, but don't fill them in so that they look harsh

◾Cream and matte finish formulas are easier to pull off than super glossy ones.

◾Winged eyeliner and red lips always look good together

◾Do the "finger trick" Place your index finger into your mouth and close your mouth around your finger, then gently slide your finger out, this will remove any excess red lipstick that may have ended up on your teeth

◾USE A LIP BRUSH! A lip liner can help define your lips, but isn't always necessary. For a clean line a lip brush is your best bet.

Qotd: Which is your favorite shade of lipstick?

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