Hair masks to tame frizzy hair

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1. Coconut oil
The wonders of coconut oil never cease! This oil is heavy, which is great for penetrating deep into the hair shaft, but use it sparingly, especially if you have fine or thin hair. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to the ends of damp hair. If the oil is solid just warm in the microwave until liquid before applying. Got really dry hair? Keep the oil on overnight and shampoo out in the morning.

2. Banana + Olive Oil

Not only can bananas work their magic on your feet, but they are awesome for your hair! Mix a banana with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mash thoroughly until the banana is pureed. (You want a smoothie like texture so you don't end up with banana chunks in your hair.) Then massage into your hair and scalp. Leave treatment on for 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly and shampoo.

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