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Louis was in his room head in his pillow.

He yelled in frustration. Louis got up and look toward his window. He had snuck out many times before and he really didn't want to be in house at the moment.

He grabbed his phone. And went to his window. He opened and jumped out landing on his feet. He had mastered this.

Zayn squealed as he had finally made a tower of blocks without knocking them down.

He was so proud of his accomplishment. Zayn wanted to have Louis see it.

" Lewis!", he yelled. He waited patiently for a response. Nothing came.

" Lewis!", he said yelling again.

Just then Zayns mother came.

" Baby , you need something?", she said. She heard him calling for Louis.

He pointed to his tower of blocks. His mother smiled.

" Wow. So tall. You did that all by yourself", She said in amazement. She was really surprised he didn't knock it down like always. Zayn nodded.

" Lewis?",he said looking up stairs. Johannah sighed.

" I don't think Louis is in a good mood. Maybe try later ", She said rubbing her sons hair. Zayn saddened his eyes but nodded.

" You want a snack?", his mother asked. Zayn shook his head.

" Up", he said pointing to the stairs. She nodded and let him go. Zayn walked up the stairs to Louis room. He wanted him to see his tower so badly.

Zayn knocked slightly.

" Lewis", Zayn whispered. Still no response. Zayn turned the doorknob slowly and opened it. He peeped his head through only to see no one. Zayn fully walked in looking around

" Lewis",he said again. It was silent. He saw the window open. He walked toward it and closed it

Where could he have gone? Zayn thought. He didn't leave. Because he didn't see him leave the house.

Zayn left the house room and went down stairs , tears filling his eyes.

" Mama", Zayn said looking for his mom. He then found her in the living there room with his dad.

" Mama", he said walking to her and sitting in her lap.

" Whats wrong buddy", his father asked. Zayn sniffed.

" Lewis", he said. His mother shook her head. His father sighed.

" Was he being mean to you", his father asked. Zayn shook his head.

" Then why are you about to cry", his mother asked.

" Lewis. Lewis gone", Zayn said tears falling from his face.

"He snuck out again",his father said to his wife. Johannah sighed.

"Its okay. He'll be back",she said holding her baby close. This was normal. Louis always snuck out when he was mad.

" wan' see Lewis", Zayn whispered. Zayn and Louis had a pretty close relationship. Well in Zayn's eyes. Louis could care less about Zayn. Zayn however admired Louis. He adored him. He looked up to him. No matter how many times he hurt his feelings.

Niall opened his door and revealed Louis. Niall smiled and let Louis in.

" So , what happened this time", Niall asked as they walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

" I fucking hate my parents. You know that bitch of a teacher Harken ", Louis said to Niall pulling out a blunt.

" Yeah , fucking hate her", Niall said.

" She called my dad and told him I threatened  her. I didn't even. I threw a pencil at her", Louis said take a blow at his blunt and passing it to Niall.

" You threw a pencil at her", Niall said laughing. Louis nodded with a cheeky smile.

" I should threaten that bitch for real", Louis said grabbing the blunt from Niall. Niall nodded. He was about to say something when he heard a voice.

" You don't have any more toilet paper by the way", A voice said. Louis and Niall looked up .

" What the hell Liam. I just put one in this morning", Niall said annoyed. Liam chuckled as he sat down right beside Louis. Louis turned and looked at him like he was the plague.

" Oh, Louis. This is my mate Liam. Liam this is my mate Louis", Niall said smoking the blunt. Liam noticed the look on Louis face but ignored it .

" Guess were gonna get along just fine", Liam said sarcastically. Louis wanted to murder him . Why? Well because he sat in his damn free space. He could have sat his ass in a different chair.

" Get the fuck off",Louis said. Liam was surprised by it , but then he made a smug look.

" Well , that's not a nice way to treat your daddy ", Liam said. Louis was fuming . He looked at Niall with death glare. This Irish lad here told Liam about his daddy fetish. Or kink. Whatever you like to call it.

Just then Niall and Liam began to laugh there asses off. Louis looked like he was seriously about to kill someone. Liam noticed that and stopped.

" Calm the fuck down. I'm just messing wit you. Hey I'm not judging", Liam said said putting up his hands.

Louis didn't say anything. He only told his closest friends what he's into. Liam obviously isn't a close friend. But he guesses that'll have to change. Louis pulled out his phone and  texted Niall

U didn't tell him abt the other thing right. I swear if u did ima kl u

Niall pulled out his phone and read the message.

Lou , u know I would never. That is between u n me

Louis read the messages and sighed in relief. Louis looked at Liam who had on a curious expression.

" Where you from", Louis asked. Might as well just get over it and get to know him.

" Wolverhampton . Not to far from here", Liam said , glad he and Louis were talking. Louis nodded.

" I also came here with one of my close friends Harry. But he's somewhere else", Liam said. Louis nodded again , not really caring. He asked one thing. He didn't care whatever else Liam had to say.

" Yeah I met him. He's alright I guess",Niall said passing the blunt to Liam. Louis almost died. Only he and Niall shared a blunt together. He and Niall. Not with some boy he barely knows. Liam passed it to Louis who gave it right back to Niall. He wasn't gonna put his mouth on it . Liam put his on it. Like I said. Liam is not a close friend. Not yet anyways.

" You don't want anymore?", Niall asked. Louis shook his head and looked down at his phone scrolling through his feed on twitter. Niall nodded , confused a bit , but he let it go.

Liam gave him a  confused look. Niall shrugged it off. Louis was thinking about something. Its not like Niall just becomes friends with Just anyone.

" Liam  , Want to come to my house?", Louis asked Liam who had a surprised look. Liam smiled.

" Yeah", Liam said. Niall raised his eyebrow.

" Lets go right now ", Louis said standing up . Liam made a face.

" Right now. I just got here though", Liam said. Louis gave him a blank look.

" If you want me to like you , then o suggest you come. Right now", Louis said walking out the door. Liam Looked at Niall who shrugged and got up , Liam following close behind.

This wasnt really good I bet. I just got tired of writing. So I will stop there and leave all the juicy stuff in the next chapter. :)

Trouble :)  ~ Ziam / Larry[ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now